Monday, January 19, 2015

A Day Off

I love having a day off! Today is Martin Luther King day here in the US. Its been a fairly low key weekend with a little bit of fun,  me just rolling through the weekend, playing in the studio, spending some family time and doing a little bit of organizing. Every year I get this urge to go through my studio and do some rearranging and purging. Maybe one of these years I'll actually get things set up perfectly, but maybe half my fun is organizing and going through everything!
Here's a few views from yesterday when my daughter and I took a little road trip south of Boston.

I got myself some bookshelves at IKEA . We also had Swedish pancakes for breakfast too (Yum, Yum,plätta.  My grandmother used to make them for us when we were kids. My only non-Swedish grandparent at that!)  and then we drove home in the rain. We started at 54 degrees and rain  south of Boston and ended up at 30 degrees and ice when we got home back in New Hampshire. Was a little tricky driving at the end of the trip when the road looked like a skating rink.
But was fun to spend the day with my daughter and to engineer how to get 3 bookcase boxes into my Passat wagon.  Good thing the daughter is an engineer.

So my page today is from my journal, using a lot of paint and some stencils. I like the sky colors, kind of like a late day in winter, and I especially the blue deer prancing through a winter wood.
Don't expect much excitement today in my neck of the woods today. Maybe a few prancing deer but more likely a prancing dog and a snoozing kitty. And maybe even a snoozing messy hand me too!
Thank for visiting.

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