Friday, January 16, 2015

Journal Views

So this background was in my pile of ready to use pages. To me the red dripping paint drops  look like bleeding hearts-they formed randomly when I made this page.  And since they were on the Eiffel Tower, this page made me think of the tragedy that happened in Paris last week.
 So I made this page.
The color is a bit bright here, but my photo cut off the edges of the page.At least the page doesn't have that grey tone indoor photos often get.
The color on this view is a bit dark but you can see the page edges better. The very edge of the entire page is outlined with gold paint.
Freedom to speak and live a life you chose is an important right for all of us. 
It is really tragic when someone tries to take that away. 
That's all I will say about that even though I could say a lot more.
OK, let me realign my thoughts and move over to lighter topics.

 It is finally the weekend for me-after a never ending week.
And I have a long weekend too-yahoo!
 I am really excited about that. I have a few little plans, and I am hoping for a little play time too. Nothing big planned, but that's not a bad thing.

I got my markers all organized on my work table this past week.. I bought 3 of these marker holders over the past couple of months on Amazon, and I have been bit by bit reorganizing.
Makes me happy!
I can slide them under my shelf and it has made a lot more space on my table. I used to use some old coffee mugs to hold my makers and pens, but they were a little too high to slide under shelf, and hence sat out more in my work space. Plus, now all my colors are more organized and it is a lot easier to find what I want.

Hope there's something fun in your life this weekend!
Thanks for stopping by.
And check out Paint Party Friday for some great art, great stories and a great place for people to connect.


  1. Great and thoughtful Paris piece. Good idea with the storage, too. Valerie

  2. I love your pen storage! That's such a great idea!

  3. A beautiful and meaningful post.

  4. Very good your contribution and your support for these artists, artists like us who have lost their lives only to use their lçapices, its colors and imaginación.¡¡Me love !! Saludos

  5. This is great and full of expression!

  6. It's marvellous and magical how your journal page turned out, the flowers, the Eiffel tower and the bleeding hearts all contribute to the message, well made and well presented.

  7. thank you for your lovely comment your left on my blog! fab inky artwork and love that pen storage!

  8. Great storage boxes. I'll have to look into these pen storage boxes. Yes I see the hearts as well and awful what happened in Paris. Thoughtful post.

  9. what a thoughtful painting regarding the Paris tragedy. And good for you to have all those fab colors of markers all organized-happy arting!

  10. oooohhh i love to see how others organise! i'm forever organising...and reorganizing...and... you get the idea. :-)

  11. Nice and colorful Tribute!
    Love the pen storage :)


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