Saturday, January 3, 2015

Last Year's Reading

One last recap. This time I want to take a look at the books that made my year.  Books I recommend.  Of all kinds.
Lots and lots of books.
Old books that came out ages ago.  New books just published.
OK, nothing too unusual.
I am just a boring old gal, I guess.
If its as cold where you are as it is where I am, and you have a big cup of tea or coffee or coco, this would be a good post to browse through.

Fiction that I fancied.
 I really enjoyed this book. It was well written. Different. Want to see the movie too.
 These 2 were really fun to read. Time travel, eccentric characters, exciting places in Europe.

 No Sookie and Bill and Erik from True Blood any more but then there was this series.
I enjoyed it. Witches, strange folks, maybe
I reread book 2 in this series and then finished up the trilogy with this book. A good ending though it took me awhile to get into this story. I enjoyed the witches and vampires in this series.
 I really enjoyable and different read. Part of it was set in Taos, New Mexico where I traveled last February. Love going back to places I've journeyed to after I am home.
As well written as the HBO series was made. 
Both of these books were really different and a good read. Not traditionally written. And the bees starred the bees. As animated characters.

 I finally read this and it is time to read the next book in the series. I enjoyed it.
Found the series on the internet to watch from STARZ too. Like just found it last night.  Can't wait to see more of it (since I just got through episode 1 before bed). 
 Always a lot of fun. This series has made me laugh out loud a lot.
And these are always good in an elegant funny way.
 My favorite mystery author. Really need to read a few more by her. Set in Quebec, Canada. Well written, great characters. HIGHLY recommended.
Not the best book in her collection but it had been a long time and I enjoyed reading another book by this author. Goldie is a caterer in Colorado. 

Non-fiction I fancied

 I love these graphic novel travel stories. She also wrote French Milk, which was excellent. 
 A good travel read. About a road race from Peking to Paris. From a lady's perspective.
 And more of those sketchy books. I've read other books by Sara Midda. Southern French travel sketchbooks.  Not really a graphic novel, but more of a travel sketchbook.
And books about the arty life. This book, Living Color, was great.
It gives you permission to break the rules.
We can all use the permission even if we know we have that permission.
I also have read other books by Maira Kalmen. More sketchy journal style books.
 And more travel reading-Peking to Paris is on the same theme as Border Crossing. I actually read this one before I read Border Crossing. I enjoyed them both.

I liked part one  much better than part 2 of this book above. Mother daughter travel is something I think is great. 
 This book above really surprised me and I enjoyed it a lot. Highly recommended. An unexpected treat. Didn't really know what I was getting into with it but am glad I got into.
The essays below were not what I expected but I also really enjoyed them. They were short sweet and fast to read. 

And this book was well written and opened up my eyes- I really liked it. Makes me interested in visiting Russia.
It was a different way to look back at a life- from the food perspective.
 More sketchy journal style book and language together!
And after our visit to the Pacific Northwest, I wanted to learn more about this legend. I did.

Arty books I fancied

 Great book, and great class to go along with it. I am now practicing my lettering a lot more.
 After my trip to Taos, New Mexico and a visit to the Georgia O'Keeffe museum in Santa Fe, I had to learn more about this woman.  They had a special exhibit of her Hawaiian paintings there. They were spectacular. 

Cool idea and arty! Why didn't I think of it? Guess I am not that clever. But here's another sketchbook.
Inspired me since I have been all about playing with paint this past year.
Artist discovery-I love her primitive paintings. She's from Nova Scotia and now I want to go there and see her house and see some of her work in person.
 Sketching tips.  

And I came across a used copy of this exhibit book-gigantic book I must say- all about one of my favorite artists Matisse.

Knitted books I bought or pulled off my shelves.

All have been used lately as I've been on a Christmas stocking knitting binge. Did I show you my stockings.  Well I will have to.  I am still knitting them. I am having such a blast making them I can't stop myself.
Here's a few other books I've either picked up or have used...there's a few others I think too that I haven't included.
Once I finish with stocking knitting, I think I'll move onto these hats. I already made a few in the past, and they are a lot of fun to do.
I want to knit some of the bats in here. For next Halloween.

Some books I picked up on the cheap at a big tent sale. I love poking through big tent sales.

It wasn't a big knitting year until I got in the Christmas stocking craze.

But it was a big year for cooking, buying cookbooks,. reading cookbooks.
A really really big year.
Here's some I've pulled off my shelves to use and ones I've bought and read , or bought and cooked from...

Excellent soups.  I want to make the split pea soup again soon.
This book is not only eye candy but  has some great recipes.
And who can't resist these sweet treats. I tried the corn cake. It was a lot of fun.

I really want to try a lot of recipes from this cookbook above. It is excellent. Be adventurous. First- my theme for the new year.

Can you tell I like to bake? Try things baking.
I highly recommend both of Joy Wilson's cookbooks.
She has a way to make things a little different-like avocado pound cake.  It was fabulous.

I want to try some recipes here.  Licorice cake.  Hum?
And old but a goodie. This is great for harvest season.
This is an excellent all around cookbook. I thought it might be good for my "I don't cook" daughter as a Christmas gift, but ended up keeping it for myself. I got her the Cooking School cookbook from the same group which I think will be better for her. More how too. But you know when you want to make something that's pretty common but not exactly quite sure what you need for it, or how to do it?
And I want to do some Greek cooking too. I want to do some Greek traveling too.

I picked this up used (most of these cookbooks were picked up used on Amazon) after reading the non-fiction book by the same author-Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking. It won all kinds of awards and I am ready to try some recipes in it.
I also love making soup. Wisg the hubby liked it more.
My secret baking pleasure is making pie! My not so secret eating pleasure is eating pie!

And one dish meals are always a good idea.
An even better idea!

I try to make a pie a month. New types too.
Learning about my heritage cooking and baking.

These Tessa Kiros books are PURE eye candy.
Pulled this out of the collection at harvest season too.

I really enjoyed reading this book, and the apple pie recipe is now my new favorite.

I thought I hadn't read much, especially seeing I didn't read all that much fiction. All I can say now though , is what  year for books!

Hope you had a bookish year too. Can't wait to see what reading people are up to in 2015!
Hope to see you again soon.


  1. Erika you are so well-read! I want to see the 100 foot journey movie, and am a Guy Fieri fan. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Erika, I am just getting around to the Paint Party list and i think this post is great. I love your Winter page up top and all the great books you have read this year(past year). It give a great list to select from.


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