Monday, February 2, 2015

Because It Is February

Since January is all over, and it is now February, I must show you this love card.
Of course I don't love the snow we are getting today, even though I am home with a snow day. My third in less than a week. I do need to trek out into the weather later to go visit my hubby who is in the hospital with a kidney issue. Sad face on my part. I am keeping my fingers crossed and saying little prayers to the gods in the universe that this will be a reversible condition,
So did any of you watch the Superbowl last night? I admit I am from New England and a Pats fan.  But what a game! Had me glued to the TV during the 4th quarter. 
Amazing ending!
And this was last year. My baby boys 14th birthday. He would have been 15 today and I still miss him so much.
OK, I've said too much.
Have a great day-hope you are not getting snow, and
thanks for visiting.

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