Saturday, February 14, 2015

Ready for this Weekend

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
A stormy one here-the next blizzard arrives.
Let's see how much snow we get this round.
But the good news - the hubby is home from the hospital; the daughter is here for the weekend,and the wood stove is cranking. For many people here in the US it is a long holiday President's weekend, but not for me unless for some reason we get a snow day on Monday.
(Let's hope not. We've already got 4 to make up.)
So I am looking forward to some low key time home. 
Snow or not.
Plus with the daughter home she can help me shovel- ha ha!
I don't know if she thought of that when she said she was going to come stay. I think she was thinking if she lost power she had no heat, and she would be all alone, and driving would be difficult...
So here's my last Valentine's Day card.

This one is for you!
Hope its a great day full of some kind of love!


  1. Stay warm and safe.... Love both your valentines!

  2. Your valentines are beautiful. Yesterday we lost power, which means for me: no water because I am on a well, no phone, no heat (don't have a generator) except for the propane gas logs in the fireplace. But we haven't had nearly the hardships you up north have had. Stay warm and enjoy your daughter while she is there.


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