Monday, February 9, 2015

Will It Ever Stop? Tell Me It Will-PLEASE!

More snow today. A lot of it.  Like up to 2 more feet.
Its been snowing since yesterday.
I live in New Hampshire, not the arctic.
Snow, snow, snow

Its been awful hard with all this snow and my husband still in the hospital. Just another major chore to deal with that I don't want to deal with right now. This is suppose to be his job-LOL.
Poor guy. I think he wishes he could be shoveling even though he hates to shovel, but it would be a lot more fun than being in the hospital.
Takes a lot of time to shovel off the decks around the house. One of them is only a path to the door and will stay like that until this finally melts.
Will it ever melt?
But I guess you just deal with it. What else can you do?
You can't walk through  what I think is like a good 40 inches of snow( that we have out there) if you don't shovel a path.
Sore arms. Sore back. Sad face.
Let's chat about something on a happier note.
More tags.
I have been making tags because if I can squeeze in a half an hour of de-stress time, I can make a couple of tags easy. Little canvases. 
But as usual you know that.
This regal queen one took a little more time. Really its a bunch of ink sprays on the tag, and then I stamped these Stamper's Anonymous queen ladies. Colored her, stamped some words, added some paper tape, a die cut... anyhow it was a bit longer than this other tag.
Because in a short play session you can make a tag that's supper simple and easy peasy too.
Stamping and coloring. 
I love stamping and coloring.
Stop back another day.

1 comment:

  1. Love your tags, but it does look rather cold and snowy - sorry it isn't stopping. Let's hope it will soon be spring. You asked about the quote I used on my blog, I found it on the web, but don' know who it's from! Hugs, Valerie


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