Monday, March 30, 2015

Do I Feel this Way on a Monday?

So I hope everyone had a good weekend. Monday-again-already! Sigh! My weekend just flew right by.
I made a little play time for myself in between other things, and I pulled out my cutsie springy stamps. Getting in a little Easter and spring cheer.
This is a simple not particularly complex piece. But still fun. 
I think. 
This other tag is pretty simple too. Some nights its just fun to stamp and color and not too much else. You know, when you're tired and nothing else is coming into your creative head.
When you muse is all worn out and sleeping.
These little chicks (on both tags) come from an old Cornish Heritage Farm stamp set.
This is when I like using tags to journal on because the canvas is small and workable.
My other creative endeavor  this weekend was trying my hand at making a Monmouth Pudding with apples. I had never even heard of this dessert until recently when I picked up a copy of Paul Hollywood's British Baking.
It was yummy-nice and light after Sunday dinner. I used apples but really wanted to used some canned cherries I had. Only the daughter won't eat cherries, so I went with apples. Nice of me, isn't it? Ha-ha! The base is a custard and the top, over the apples, is meringue.
The good news is that we only have 2 days left of March, and maybe then the weather really will turn more like spring.
Thanks for visiting. Stop back again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Super nices tags Erika and this special pudding looks delicious!
    Happy Easter!


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