Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Just to Let You Know

The husband survived his surgery yesterday. The worst part was that he had an arm block rather than general anesthesia and his arm was a dead weight. Very strange feeling for him-I'm sure, but also very weird for me to look at. Without the cast it just flopped.
But its back and working now-a little sore but he's recouping just fine.
Going out for a little lunch helped a lot too!

  And look! We've gotten warm enough that my road has turned into mud. You can see all the dirty dirty snow-yuk-this time of year it is not so pretty, but if the temperature stays in the 40's, after spending most of the last 6 weeks or so well below normal temperatures (we've been lucky to hit 25 most days-Fahrenheit that is), I'll take the mud.

And the bookshelves finally went up this past weekend, and I have been slowly loading them up! Right now it is more of a mess than before, but with a little more work, it should be perfect. And I do need to go buy a couple of extra shelves, as you can see with my stacked books here.
So exciting to finally get to this project, because like the cold temperatures, these have been sitting, waiting for assembly since back in January too.
Got to run. Back to work today!
Thanks for stopping by. Hope my post wasn't too much of a yawn today.


  1. glad his surgery went well!!! love the book shelves!!!!

  2. Hope that everything will get better soon!!



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