Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4th Quarter

Today the last quarter of the year begins at the school where I work. Wow. I think because our spring has been so cold it just doesn't seem like it is that time already.  I think of fourth quarter as being warm and spring like, and usually it is. This week we've had April showers (at least not April snow) but its been cool slowing down this spring arrival. With this lingering winter it is still hard to believe that in around 10 weeks my summer vacation will be beginning.
Harder to believe that in 3 weeks I have a week off for spring vacation. Not sure yet what is on my agenda for that week, but I have lots of things stewing around in this old brain.
This journal tag to show you today. Lots of layering at one end of the tag. The black splotch is actually a die cut that I layered with black paper. Its from a new Sizzix set from Tim Holtz. Pretty cool. I added the die cut word which I purposefully ripped into 2 as part of my tag theme.
Stamped background is an old Hero Arts postmark background stamp. And the words come from a fun little set of mail words. It is also pretty ancient and I think was put out by PSX.
I used to stamp postage related things all over my art work and think I might get back into that again. I cleaned out my postage items and think its time to use them more. (You know, it is always good to take a little break from things after awhile.  Then when you use them again its like you have all these new things.)
That's all for me today. Hope your day is fabulous and thanks for taking a minute to visit.

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