Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Little of This and A Lot of Nothing Important

I haven't had a chance to pull out my gelli plate yet, but last weekend I picked up this book. I had gone on a solo little mini-road trip down to my favorite craft store and then to the Wildlife Sanctuary on Plum Island (in Northeast Massachusetts).
The book is chock full of ideas and instructions on things you can do to make an interesting print. I love playing and making prints, but it is always nice to do more than using just paint and stencils. And when I get in the roll of printing I always seem to need a shot of ideas. This book gives me some good things I can try and when I pull out my plate, I will be trying some of them. My pile of painted pagers is getting low so if  I don't make any pages this weekend, then I will over my vacation in another week.
(One more week of work to go! I love this late April vacation. )
I am really ready for a week off. I'm hoping to do a bunch of yard work and take a couple of road trips for a little change of scenery.
Speaking of a change of scenery. I've got a few more photos from my trip to Plum Island National Wildlife Sanctuary (Parker River) last Saturday.
Look, a little tower.  It was really windy but I climbed up and shot a few photos like the next one here.

I see some inspiration for art work here. Blue mussel shells. Marching seagulls, the shadows on the dunes. I'd say it was a worthwhile little mini trip. Add that to my new art book, and wahoo, I am ready to play.
The other photos I posted are here Road Trip.
Have a great day!


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