Sunday, April 26, 2015

Being Domestic

Its been cool and windy here lately, too cool to be late April. But I took advantage of the that weather and  stayed inside and did some spring cleaning. I also went out to  Home Goods and picked up a couple of little things I wanted around my house- a little table for a tea cup next to my reading chair and also a small shelf for my studio area. It sometimes feel good to be a domestic goddess-Ha-ha!  Really, it was a good Saturday.
Here's a recent journal page. I'd stenciled the background a long time ago and added all the details. Having a stack of started pages is always a good way to jump start my muses to get my creativity flowing.
I think we all have our little tricks, and that is one of mine.
Hoping for some art time today now that my cleaning is done and out of the way. Or maybe even a lazy day as they are saying rain.
Hope your day is all you want it to be.
Come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely page, glad your Saturday was good. I always have a stack of mop up and brush wipe pages ready to turn into journal pages! Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie


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