Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Friday Night

I'm sitting here on a Friday evening watching Suvivorman:Bigfoot on TV and waiting for when my husband gets home from his evening dialysis. Survivorman is one of those shows where there's a guy who goes into the wilderness and lives in all kind of wild conditions-in case you aren't familiar with this series.
OK, I find this Bigfoot thing rather interesting, though like those ghost shows (which I also find interesting), I'm not sure they ever show any real evidence. Of course not. They hear things you don't hear or see things but their cameras aren't turned in that direction. But they do make good Friday night TV when you're tired after working all week and don't want anything mentally challenging.
And we can all use a little mystery in life, right? Even if its not ghosts or Sasquatch or anything else like that.
Remember these tags?  I know, I've post tons of tags over the last 2 month. OK, so I started putting them into the tag album I recently made.
I decided they deserved pages that were fixed up so the book is becoming more of a journal with my tags are the centerpieces.
On this page I put 3 small tags. The tags all started with with small blue tags that I had, so I put them together.
Here's the cover to my homemade journal these tags are going into.
So any big weekend plans? I am not sure what is going on today, whether my husband is going to be around or whether he is going to open up his mother's house. His mother has been living with my husband's sister for the winter and is anxious to move home. So if he does go open up her house, I think I will head out and find myself a little adventure...since it is suppose to be a pretty nice day. And if my husband is around, who knows what we will do.
I shall see.
OK, my Friday night brain has said enough.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. I agree, we all need a little adventure in our lives! Enjoyed your post this morning and your journal pages. Have a wonderful weekend!
    ~ Karen

  2. Loved looking at all your tags. They are awesome. We have the first sunny day for a while so I should go out for a hike but will probably get sucked into the computer. Happy PPF!

  3. This looks really great :D I love your idea with the tag journal, and yes we all need some adventure in our lifes :D Have an amazing weekend ;)


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