Monday, April 20, 2015

Scenes from the Weekend.

The snow melted in my gardens last week and within a day look what I had.
This year winter didn't want to end but spring was sure impatient to arrive. Everything just popped as soon as it could.

Saturday was first ice cream of the season! Even the dogs loved it!

Even though the gorgeous morning clouded in and it rained for a few hours, we still had our ice cream.  We'd been planning it all day.
The hubby is having to adjust to no dairy with his kidney issues. So he had sorbet. It will take some adjustment for him.
My husband got his "new" 1997 boat so we can go puddle around the lakes this summer.

Ha-ha. My daughter says this view of our dog looks like a moose.
Ice is looking very grey on Merrymeeting Lake. I bet ice out will be this week.
Then we can use to new boat!
Mr. Handsome was playing jungle cat while I raked.
And there's one little stubborn patch of winter snow that reuses to go away.
It was a fun weekend, with mostly sunshine, except for our little rain Saturday afternoon. But now we are suppose to get 4 days of straight rain, and  its back to work for one more week until my spring vacation. Hooray! Glad this isn't my week off, and hopefully next week the weather will be perfect. This Tuesday we have kidney transplant orientation for my husband down at the hospital in Boston. Hope it all goes well!
Hope you have a great week too!
And thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I love the flowers!!! And your family, so much fun!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!


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