Friday, April 3, 2015

Tag Inspired

Last week I showed you this tag I made. It inspired me enough that I started this painting.
Yes,  it is not done yet. I am pretty slow to finish paintings.  I need to add a bit of shadow and depth  because the table looks kind of flat to me. But the light in the photo is very helpful to see where the shadows will be going. And then I will finish it off. But you will have to wait to maybe next week before you get to see that.
So this week we've been having a lot of snow melt (yahoo!), but since I live in the woods there is still a ways to go.  But today is suppose to finally be in the 60's (Fahrenheit) so I suspect a lot will disappear. Or at least I hope!!!
I am being optimistic though and put away all my heavy sweaters, wool pants and winter boots last night.  packed them up and put them in the attic!
Oh that feels so nice!
And I took out a bag with a few cotton sweaters in it. I am going to wash those today so they will be ready to wear for work next week.
Oh that feels so nice!
Busy weekend ahead too. I get to see a friend of mine who's coming north for the weekend. Plus  its Easter, although mine is going to be a little non-traditional, which I am looking forward to.
Have a great weekend, and if you celebrate Easter, Happy Easter to you.
I am linking this to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Kristen and Eva for hosting. Stop by to see the work of some talented people.


  1. Lovely paintings and enjoy your friends visit...I'm sure it will be great fun!!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Hi there. How interesting that you live in the woods. It sounds exciting. Love you piece. Enjoying the colors. Hope you have a great Easter. Take care.

  3. By the way, thank you for your comment on my blog and I love that teapot.

  4. Erika, I really like how you have used your beautiful tag to make the painting. Good job!

  5. Love your tag and your painting Erika!
    Happy PPF!

  6. I can see you're ready for spring ;-) Love the colours!

  7. This is adorable. Love the details and clors"

    Happy PPF


    Happy Easter!

  8. Great inspiration, you painting is very colorful. Love it!!

    Have a great day!

  9. Lovely and colorful pieces. Thank you for sharing!

  10. I do like your painting, it looks bright and cheerful with the red and the contrasting green., and the teapot and cups of tea all ready.


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