Friday, May 22, 2015

Works in Progress

 Happy Friday everyone! Its been a busy week, and I've been in a crabby mood a little bit too, but maybe that's a good thing because I've been in a creative frenzy a couple of evenings. I'm hoping with the 3 day weekend here in the US that I can have some more play time- and hopefully my arty muse will still be hanging around to inspire me. 
I'm also hoping to do some gardening, if the weather and all the bugs cooperate. But other than that my weekend isn't very booked up, and I love that! It leaves lots of potential!
So today I have 2 acrylic paintings that are still in  an early stage. You can even see my pencil marks on them at this point. This bottom one has some unpainted areas too. Next time I show you these I hope to have them more complete, if not even finished.
 And then I had an amazing discovery. You have probably already tried it, but I bought some Yupo paper and pulled out some water colors.  Wow! This paper is really amazing. The colors are pretty off on this piece here (so much for taking a photo in the evening), but you can see the texture I created which is what really excited me.
 I used Twinkling H2Os for my watercolor, and I really like them but I am not sure they give the boldest of colors. I also had some cream on my hands when I picked up the paper and that left some non-paint adhering spots. Lessons learned when using Yupo.
Like my vase paintings this is an early step of a work in progress.
So I hope everyone has something fun planned for their weekend, and if you're in the US, I hope you actually get the long weekend to enjoy.
I am linking this to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting. Stop by and see what fun things lots of other artists have been up to.
Also thanks for stopping by my blog and feel free to leave me a comment.


  1. Love the effects of the yupo paper, must try it sometime. Your other paintings are progressing nicely, too. Enjoy the long weekend, have fun, hugs, Valerie

  2. Very nice! I hope your case of the grumpy pants dissipates so you can enjoy a peaceful weekend!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Happy PPF Erika- Happy weekend!
    I can see that you are busy with your art!

  4. Hi Erika. I like what you've done with your paintings. Looks like that pupo paper works great. I've never heard of it. Great job on all and have a great weekend.

  5. Love your colorful WIPs. Yupo can be very fun to work with, have you tried to wet it first so that the paint will run a bit? I too have used Twinks on it, but perhaps in different colors. Dripping in some ink in the wet colors are fun too. Enjoy!

  6. I'm starting to get really curious about that yupo-paper. The results are terrific!

  7. I love your placement of such vibrant colors in your first two paintings E-r-i-k-a (wink) and look forward to seeing them completed. The yupo paper sounds very interesting. Hope your weekend stays quiet and you get to make all the art you hope to!

  8. Lovely paintings, I like the first two of them especially. I came to think on van Goghs chair in his room when looking your little table in your painting. I love the bright colours. Yupo paper is something new for me. Hope you can spend a little time in the garden too. Here I see it is beginning to rain now, so now gardening to day.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!