Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Life Is Too Short for Worry

Here's a journal page I am linking to Art Journal Journey. This month Valerie is hosting with a theme of masculine and feminine. I'm going with the feminine today. I stamped this lady (B Line) on a Gelli printed paper and then I painted her with SILKS and colored her with black Sharpie. I thought she looked like telephone lady.
Probably busy planning all her charity events so she can be out on the town.
Or she's the editor in chief of a fashion magazine.
It is so much fun to come up with the story behind an image. Don't you agree?
I doodled the border and collaged the magazine words and photo, and I used a few letter stickers too.
Not much else new here today.  Off to work, trying to wrap up this last chapter of the school year and keep the kids focused for now. But my senior class is now gone, and although I will miss them,  I only have 2 classes to worry about instead of 3.
Every time I cross something  off the list of what must be done before summer break  it is a good thing!
Have a great day and thanks for visiting.


  1. Love what you have made, and the story behind it and your elegant lady. I love making up stories too! Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  2. A beautiful page and with little stories it is always more intersting..you are so right!
    Thank you for linking it to Art Journal Journey Erika!
    Very short time to the start of the summerbreak...wow!
    oxo - Susi

  3. Great imagery. Nice meeting you! See you soon. xox

  4. I like the little stories you come up with, and this is another marvelous entry. She looks like a fashion editor to me:)

  5. I love to create stories behind my journal pages too. I love your colour choices on this Erika and your busy woman looks very chic to me. Perhaps she is a fashion designer? xx


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