Thursday, June 4, 2015

Not such a great photo day

I wasn't going to show you this page because it didn't photograph really well. I put little sparkle dots for stars above the waves which you can't see at all here. But otherwise its not a terrible page,except the background is  little dark. But that's just the photo light and the fact that there are dark and light elements on this page.
The background images are made with a stencil and soft molding past and then I added some dark blue and red paint. The paint looks a little black, but that's the light.
I sketched and cut the sailboat from some nautical printed paper, and the waves are a scrap from   wave die cut, they look wave like enough.
What I really like are the clouds. I just use a white paint dabber and dabbed it around until I got the cloud shape I liked. 
I added the sticker I had in my stash because the page was rather dark and in a way night like.
So here's a few other photos today.
I really like this photo even thought it snapped with some strong sunbeams coming diagonally from the top left of the doorway. Funny how they are no place else.  I am sure some people might say ti some kind of supernatural force-ha-ha.
I suppose it isn't such a technically great photo, but I kind of like photos that are not so technically perfect.
And a couple of so-so lilac photos. This top photo has a  nasty dark shadow and this bottom photo doesn't have much color. The bottom photo had these gorgeous light lavender blooms.  Now they look almost white. These were the last of the lilacs on my walk last Saturday. So sad. Now they are gone and you can see that the colors and foliage are becoming more summer like, rather than spring like. Because we had such an unusually hot (and dry) May, I think we are all a little off, thinking it is further into June than it actually is. So maybe my thinking is a little bit out of whack.
And the window washed out part of this photo.
Poor Leo looks a little sad, doesn't he?
Or more so annoyed. Stop taking my photo he's thinking!
Go away.
So I guess that is all for me today. 
I leave you with a thanks for stopping by and a hope you have a great day!


  1. Your ship page is good, love the colours and those clouds are great! Wonderful photos, too, but did you ask your cat if you could take his photo? Have nice day, hugs, Valerie

  2. It is irritating when the shots come out dark, but sometimes that's all you get. Yes, Leo does look a bit annoyed. See you tomorrow. xox


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