Thursday, June 18, 2015

On the Ocean

Just a few photos today from last Sunday's boating trip. The fishing wasn't going well, so we cruised from Portsmouth, NH (where we have our boat) down the 18 miles of New Hampshire coastline. I love bringing my camera with the zoom lens and snapping photos. I always take a bunch- usually well over 100, but because of the movement of the water, my husband zipping the boat along, and the actual structure of the boat-like the windshield that sticks up and blocks your view-I usually only end up with about 1/10 of those that are  worth keeping.

I think it is just amazing what kind of things you can see. It is never the same view twice. I love it. 
Hope you enjoyed your little trip today!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. Wonderful photos, love the colours and motives. Great to see the sea, that's something I miss here! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. AMAZING photos! Thank you for sharing with us!

  3. Great shots. Love the coiled up hose? Great texture. Perfect weather for it too. xox


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