Monday, June 15, 2015

Starting the Week on a Beautiful Note

It is cool, dark and rainy here in New Hampshire on  this Monday, but that  isn't a bad thing. We could use the rain, and I would rather see it on a work day rather than when I am home. This past  weekend was  beautiful. I spent much of Saturday working in the garden and relaxing on my screen porch. Oh yes, lounging on a warm afternoon with a tall glass of iced lemonade and a good book. What more could make a gorgeous summery afternoon  better than that?
I also went to see Jurassic World at the movie theater too. I'd been waiting to see that movie  since I heard it was coming out, and although none of the Jurassic Park movies are the Academy Award winning kind, it was a really good and entertaining film. An A+ summer kind of movie.
So since I decided I'd love to continue that beautiful Saturday feeling, I have some garden flowers photos for you today. Hope they put a little sunshine into your day like they did for me.
Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Glad you had a good weekend. Love your flower photos, as ou may have noticed, I love flowers in all forms, I think they really do us good with their wonderful colours and scents. Have a nice day! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Wonderful photos ... amazing! Great you had such a fab weekend!
    We have rain here as well.. summer is expected back on Wednesday for our region!

  3. Great shots of the flowers. It's hard to feel gloomy when you see all that beauty right before your eyes. xox

  4. rain here, too... but it seems to be really good for the flowers, your photos are so beautiful!

  5. Such a lovely beauty break with your gorgeous rain kissed blooms!
    I am feeling a bit challenged here in Virginia trying to pick the Lavender between rain showers.


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