Thursday, June 25, 2015

The End is Just the Begining

So yesterday I finished up at school and now my summer break has begun!
Oh the summer adventures ahead!
I love  the potential this day brings.
Today I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. I can sit on the couch all day. I can go back to bed sleep all day.  I can paint or read a book or I paint and read a book. I can sit in my pj's all day if I want. Because today I am really on vacation.
And yesterday was another landmark. Yesterday
I  completed 30 years at my  present teaching job too!
Where did the time go?
30 years of adventures in a classroom at this school!
So yesterday we were suppose to do department work at school (we've had no kids this week), but our department got permission to go to Boston and visit the science museum for some staff development.
It was  the most stress free and funnest way to end the year.
 Me and some of the ladies I teach closely with managed to try out some of the exhibits and laugh our heads off in the process.
 We took on strange positions before a flash went off and left our weird shadows on the wall.
And they have this fun exhibit where you walk and it takes this silhouette video while you do.  Then it measures the calories you would use if you walked this way for a mile.
I looked like I was chasing a student down the hall.
And finally thought I'd show you a picture of me (because I never do that) with this stuffed black bear. The black bear was my college mascot so I had to my photo with this one.
And speaking of black bears...
here's a journal page that I painted and sketched and sprayed and stamped.  I added a few stickers from my stash and this is what I ended up with.
You can't see it here  very well but I really like the bear image.  I stamped him with Versa-mark and used thick embossing powder. After a couple of heatings and shakings he came out thickly coated and glossy. I cut him out and attached him.
Bet he's off to camp to search for some food. Those campers better watch out. So much for their summer camping adventure.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting.


  1. Must have been a fab day in the museum!
    Love your bear page and super to see you Erika!
    Congrats on the 30 years teaching anniversary - what a long, long time! Wow!

  2. What a fun post today. Glad you had such a great time yesterday, and now ENJOY the vacations! Lovely to see your smiling face today. 30 years is a long time, I managed 35 years school before I threw the chalk into the corner for the last time. Great journal page, too. So now have fun, have more fun, and have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  3. What a fun day. It's nice to be able to be a grown up kid. I try to do that every day! xox

  4. Brilliant art journal, I can see where you got the inspiration from. And congratulations for 30 years and that you're on summer break! I'm also a teacher and have a few more days of department work before I get my summer break, I'm so looking forward to it!

    Your day out seemed to have been a success!

    Love and hugs

  5. Looks like you had tons of fun!! Love the photo of you with the bear and your cool purse and matching skirt is awesome!! Great bear theme this it and the calorie counting is a hoot!! Great post!! Enjoy you holiday!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Awesome art journal. Great work. Enjoy your time off.


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