Wednesday, July 8, 2015


 A couple of faces to show you today. Just me playing.
I was trying 2 different things, The top face was made on a Brusho background using acrylic paints. The hair is actually just water added to the Brusho background. What I was trying to do with this face was work the color a bit and actually use a fair amount of paint to create the finish form.
Figured out a few tricks while I worked too when it comes to painting eyes. Love figuring these things out.
And in this second piece I just wanted to use minimum amounts of paint to create the face. In both of these pieces I did rough pencil in the face first.
This  lady needs a little more forehead. But all in all I am happy with the results.  Not sure if I am going to add anything or do anything more to either of these. They may just stay as they are.
One thing I do seem to be struggling with is lips.  Not that these look bad, but they just don't want to form when I try to either sketch or paint them.
So I'm rather blue today and I am trying to buoy myself up. My cat hasn't been home in 3 days- which is very very unusual for him, so I don't know what has happened and I can only guess (living in the woods where we have bear, fisher-cats and the likes) that he has met his end someplace. At least I didn't find his body on the road, but he has never been a big roamer and always seems to be right near the house. I think not knowing is by far the worst thing.
And I did have a nice visit with my mom yesterday, but she was extremely forgetful. She even forgot I was there when she walked off to do something in her bedroom, But we met with the social agencies nurse and I think got some good advice and a plan. A plan is always good. We are going to get her int some type of day program which should hopefully be a good thing for her.
On the way home yesterday I went to AC Moore craft store and the good news was they had my favorite Liquitex paints on sale 30% off, so I picked up a few. Well, quite a few. And also some canvases and I had a 50% off an item coupon so I bought a fabric dye set to try some  shibori. Well modified shibori as I didn't get indigo dye but I am working my way up to that.  Maybe I need to do that today. To cheer me up and get me outside and not here in the construction zone. That's a good thing.
And my ceiling had a bunch of work done on it yesterday and it is looking good, but NOT finished yet. The construction site is bringing me down and I want my house back.
OK, guess that's even whining from me today, but I appreciate your listening. Already has helped.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy your day.


  1. Love your faces, especially the first one. There are lots of good tutorials on Youtube for eyes and lips etc. Sorry your Mom is getting more forgetful, but good that you have a plan. I hope very much that your cat turns up again, keeping my fingers crossed, and Lily and Lucky are keeping their paws crossed for you! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Looks good so far, and great effort.

  3. Fab faces... how brave to try one on a brusho page... cool!
    Super new goodies from the sale!! A fab brand !
    Hope the new programm will be good for your mother!
    xxx Susi

  4. That first face is a winner, so charmed it is. Sorry to hear about your Mom, that's a hard one, but my MIL was in a day program and it seemed to work well. Like you don't have enough on your plate. Sorry too about kitty. Fisher cats, yup, we used to have them, probably still do but we can't see them from the groundhogs here. It's a hard one. xox


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