Friday, July 3, 2015

Ice Cream and Sunshine

Yup, summer is here. We are having beautiful summer weather right now, but next week it is supposed to be back into the summer heat.
This is a holiday weekend here in the US and many of those typical New England/American summer  activities are going on:
cookouts, swimming, boating, parades. fireworks, eating ice cream, and eating hot dogs and also hamburgers, hanging out with friends and family, camp fires, summer vacations, and watching fireflies flit...(OK stop me from babbling here now... this is what happens when I am tired and write a post.)
All this inspired me to make this
 kind of child like summer journal page. Just about ice cream and Popsicles though.
The quote goes all around the edge of the page but my cropping cut it off. Sorry for the not so complete page. I made the  background when I was Gelli printing a week ago. I used some foam stamps on the Gelli plate and then I cleaned them off by stamping them on this page. All I had to do was add a little spray ink and my border stamping in black  and that gave me my background. Then I added these die cuts in my stash, and with the help of a little paint, I colored them. I also added the white paint dots on the background and the few other details (like the stenciled and painted letters) to make the main phrase on the page.

My husband and daughter both decided to take a little longer holiday weekend, and since they were off from work yesterday, we went out boating yesterday on a local lake.  We docked for lunch and took a little walk. During that walk I made lots of interesting discoveries.
Like this sign outside an ice cream parlor.
 And found these gorgeous roses.
 This white hotel had flower boxes all along one side with these bright pink petunias in them
 And there were a few sculptures even. There were these silver polar bears made from heating duct work.
 And this metal image which  I first thought was a dog, but now think is a fox.

 And look at this gorgeous doorway in this fence. That round opening is looking out onto the lake.
 I thought this river otter sculpture was too cute.
 And for you ecological conscience people, here a rule you need to follow around the water.
I am linking to this page to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting. Be sure to stop by and see what some very creative and talented people have been up to.
And I wish all of you a great summer weekend doing things that make you happy and/or being with people that make you happy too. And if you're here in the US, hope you have a great July 4th.
Plus I also want to say thanks for visiting my blog too. 


  1. Love your journal page - thanks, you have inspired me to grab an ice and eat it NOW! Love the photos, the gate with the peep-hole in it is wonderful, as are the flowers and statues. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. What lovely photos. Do enjoy your holiday, and best wishes!

  3. Love your summer journal page...I feel the heat. Can't wait to show the ductwork bears to my superintendent! These are great.

  4. Lovely work and I adore that circular gate!

  5. Your boating trip with the family sure had a lot of beautiful and inspiring sites. I also think you captured the feeling of summer in your gelli print piece. Happy PPF and upcoming 4th of July! #48

  6. Great post, Erika. I love the summer art. Yes, broccoli is for other times. Give me ice cream. The other day I did something pretty stupid. To make me feel better, I stopped on the way home and ate a huge dish of Brusters ice cream.

  7. Your summer tribute is fabulous. So full of beautiful colours and delicious iscreme. We here in Northern corner of the world got hot weather at last today✴
    Have a happy weekend!

  8. WOW .. love your summer tribute page Erika and all the stunning photos! Just FAB!
    Happy weekend!

  9. What a lovely summer post and journal! Oh yeah, I like the sign...
    Have a great weekend

  10. Hi Erica. I bought popsicles today. Love your piece and your photos are awesome. Yes it's still hot out this way, but not in the 100's. Perhaps this weekend.

  11. It's a perfect weekend for ice cream and popsicles! Fun page and I love the photos you took on your walk. Happy 4th!
    Melisa -

  12. your journalpage just screams heat and summer and joy. Love it! And those pictures are amazing. So many great finds. Love that doorway with the round hole.

  13. Great summer page but the sign from the ice cream parlor has my vote! Nothing says summer better than ice cream. Your discoveries are wonderful!

  14. Beautiful summer post and artwork!! Love it!!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. such a delightful summer post Erika!!! Love the art and all the photos-I want that sea otter sculpture!-happy weekend to you and yours.

  16. Ice cream sure is summer to me and lakes and the beach and swimming. Might need it next week! Xox

  17. I love what you did with your gellied background. The sign was great, broccoli tomorrow! Thanks also for summer floral photos, and for commenting on my blog! have a great week!

  18. Your journal page is full of color and cheer. I can do both ice cream and broccoli at the same time. Happy PPF.

  19. Ice Cream is my favorite food group. . . oh yes it is! The artwork is right on for this blog title. The pictures are lovely. I'm looking around re:moving to NH. I love it there. Blessings, Janet PPF


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