Sunday, July 19, 2015


No art today but I thought I would show you a few snapshots I took in Vermont while there taking my baking class.
But no treats today, so  those of you who are calorie watchers don't need to worry.
These aren't really scenic Green Mountain views, more just Vermonty things I discovered.
First of all, I discovered this interesting old fashioned country store. It didn't look like much from the front.

But inside it contained a treasure trove of just about anything a rural person could need.
 Hardware. Love the old wooden floors. And look at this cool old scale.
 Kitchen items.
 Other household items too. Never mind sewing, fabric, books, magazines, and even food.
Along with other food items, they had coolers with milk, cream cheese. From Vermont. Of course, Vermont having so many dairy farms.
I went back twice, just to walk around inside and see what else I could discover.
And the flowers every where (except the country store) were just gorgeous.

These were all the the Inn we stayed at one night. The other nights I commuted back and forth.
Which was a lot of driving, but saved me some cash.
And out front on the big porch were all these rocking chairs.
I just love to rock and relax.
And even the wildflowers were gorgeous.

Lush and green.  I've been to Vermont a few times in the past, but there's still a lot about that state I want to discover.  Think I need to take a road trip back before summer is over. Not sure I actually will, but I am putting it on my list of things I want to do.
Always good to have a wish list.
So hope your weekend is wonderful and not going by too quickly.
Stop back again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos today, what a pretty place. Love that old store, I would like to walk around there! Glad you are not leading me into temptation today, you had me drooling onto the keyboard with those gorgeous cakes! Hugs, Valerie


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