Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Being a Tourist-Not an Artist- Today

So today I have a friend driving down from Maine to visit and we are going to go be tourists. I think being  tourist in your own neck of the woods is always so much fun.
I mentioned yesterday how last Saturday night my husband, daughter and myself played tourist in one of the towns near us, and I thought I would show you a few more photos from that local adventure.

There were lots of boats at the town docks that night.
 And we motored back to where the boat trailer was, but we saw there was going to be fireworks so we waited and watched the dark overtake the day. You can see lights on the water here.
 It looks like a fire here, but it is just all the parking lot lights and my shaky hand.
And those fireworks were pretty nice!

I'd never seen fireworks from a boat before but it was like having front row seats! 
That's all for me today. I haven't seen this friend coming today in 4 years and I am pretty excited to do some catching up.
Hope you have something interesting on your agenda, and as usual, thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. A wonderful set of photos, greetings and best wishes!

  2. Amazing inpressions Erika! Thank you! Have fun with your friend!

  3. Fantastic photos, always love seeing where others live, love the lights on the water. Hugs, Valerie

  4. I like playing tourisit local too! Hope you are having a wonderful day. xox


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