Monday, August 3, 2015


Good Monday to you all. Another week is beginning-oh my.  I know time is always the same speed technically but for some reason the beautiful weather seasons always seem to go faster than the not so beautiful weather times of the year. August already! Wow!
So last week I had a fantastic fabric painting day with my friend Corrine.
It was the hottest day of the year and we painted for a little while before the heat got to us but in that time I managed to paint 2 canvas pieces and a small red fabric piece.
Anyhow, here's the 2 big pieces of canvas that I painted, stamped and used a Gelli plate on.
I am really happy with how they came out.

Right now they are just what you see. I want to definitely do some stitching on this bottom circle piece, but not sure where to go with the top piece yet. I will get back to you and show you my results with both once they get done.
So it was a busy weekend behind me and I haven't even touched anything arty (other than my camera) since this painting day last Wednesday. Hopefully today I will have some time to do a bit of play. But I was still having a lot of summer fun and I'll show you some snippets of that soon!
So for today, I hope you make it a good one!
And as always, thanks for stopping by to visit.


  1. Looks fantastic, and I am looking forward to see how it looks after the stitching! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh gosh .. that looks great - I am looking forward to see what you will do with this ! TIME FLIES.. you are right!
    Enjoy your week and let us see some photos from your summerfun!


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