Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Witching Hour

So I have spent a lot of time the last 2 days playing in my happy space-Yahoo! Of course the house is no more picked up than it was when daughter dumped all her things on the living room floor, and even a few more things have been added to the pile since we finished moving her out last night.  And the ceiling is a little more complete-yahoo!- but the're still a little more to get done. Right now I can say my house is a disaster zone.
I hate it but I am trying not to care. Playing in the happy space helps. Art does save your sanity.
So this background might look a bit like yesterdays-if you happened to stop by my blog yesterday that is.
It is the same tree stencil made with transparent molding past, but today's background uses different color choices. (And I did flip the stencil so the moon is on the opposite side.) 
Then I did a bunch of stamping in black which gives it an almost spooky magical look. I think the witches wand is giving off  a cool kind of light that transforms this forest floor. It wasn't my plan to make this type of page, but art does take itself on its own journey sometimes.
I am linking this page to Art Journal Journey
So hope your weekend is starting off in an excellent way.
And thanks for visiting my blog today.


  1. Wow, that's really amazing. Lovely work indeed. Greetings!

  2. Wonderful page, love the spooky colours. Yes, art does save sanity, it really saves mine! Thanks so much for another great page for Art Journal Journey, hugs, Valerie

  3. I think this artwork is so great... scary, magical and moody.
    I'm currently invaded by my daughter who is in the middle of moving house (deep breath) bags of washing and stuff everywhere (sign) but art as you say keeps you sane!
    What would we do without it... I dread to think.
    Happy PPF to you

  4. Oh, I so love this page, it's amazing, glad you keep your art when in distress, have a wonderful creative weekend sweetie!

    Love and hugs

  5. "The Witching Hour" is a very clever idea for the theme of "Time" and your illustration is brilliant.
    I wonder what the witch is going to do with the clock and Time. Maybe she is a good witch and will slow down time for us who would like that.

  6. Wow -- love your page Erika and I agree with you - being in my happy space and doing creative artwork saves my sanity as well!
    Thank you for another fantastic page to AJJ - love the depth and great composition of this!
    Have a goos Sunday!

  7. A fabulous spooky page Sheila, I agree as well, creating art is a good way to forget what is going on around us
    Yvonne x

  8. Apologies Erika, I think I have just re- named you Sheila.
    A senior moment when enjoying seeing your awesome page.
    Yvonne x

  9. Hello! I came over from PPF. Love your page - and your blog header. :)

  10. This is a gorgeous entry. I like the spooky feel to it. I can almost feel the witch cackling.

    Sorry to read about your "disaster zone." It will improve soon, I hope. If not, spending time in your craft space will definitely save your sanity.

  11. I love this - it really is magical! Have you though of entering the Anything but Cute challenge -Making Magic - the link is
    I'm sure they would love it!


  12. What a great scene you have created here starting with that fab background and then your black silhouettes really make it!
    Trying to keep a clean house can be so time consuming and it is such a tricky balance to try and keep.
    Making art makes me so happy.
    I always feel better when I've had a chance to play.

  13. Very creative, Erika. I love your moon.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog.


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