Friday, August 28, 2015

Time's Up

Happy Friday everyone! 
It is Paint Party Friday already! Where did the last week go to?
Thanks to Kristen and Eva for hosting.
Here's my last time piece for this month for Art Journal Journey, Can you believe it is almost September? My husband always says there is only 1 month that goes faster than July and that is August.  How true is that?
This is a good piece that represents my life right now because of all the big changes that happened over this past summer, actually many of these from this week-now that I am back to school for another year. Although not official I think I will end up being my husband's kidney donor this fall, seeing I have passed all my tests-just waiting on yesterday's  mammogram results. We got my 85 year old Mom moved into an assisted living place this past week too. It went easier than planned and I hope things will stay on the good side because my Mom has been way too isolated and with her short term memory issues, she needs to be with people more often than she was. What a relief to know she is in a really good place. At least that's what many of the residents have told me. 
So any big plans for the weekend? We haven't been in our boat on the ocean in a few weeks and my husband is sooooo antsy to get out there, me too also, that if the weather is nice tomorrow we will be on the water. Otherwise I think I need to finish a few little projects from the summer that I want done before the school year really ramps up.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love to hear from you too so please leave me a comment if you feel so inclined.
And have a great weekend!


  1. WOW! This is absolutely amazing! Your work of art is stunning and so beautiful. Thank you for stopping by my blog! HUGS!!!

  2. Glad you have the go ahead for being a donor, it's a big step, great that you are doing it! Gad your Mom is settling in. Love your new page, very cleverly done. Thanks so much for our continued support at AJJ, hugs, Valerie

  3. Very creative page dear Erika. You are right,let us live now because time runs so fast. Let us do everything we dream of because we don't now how much time we have. Thank you for your nice comment.
    Dearest Greetings

  4. The only way is up, baby! This is what your artwork says to me. It's wonderful that you're going to a kidney donor for your husband. Happy PPF love Emma x

  5. such a great journal page Erika! I'm happy to hear things are going well on all counts so far. I'm sure your Mom will be much happier having others around now and it will be a relief to you as well. Yes, why DOES August go so fast??? Well, enjoy the reminder of it and I hope you get your weekend out on the boat!

  6. What a fun piece ~ love the background and the ... linear journey!

  7. I am happy with you that the tests were all o.k. - finger crossed for the mammogram results as well and it is really good for you to know your mom is in a good place for her now.
    Enjoy your weekend !
    This page is as wonderful as all the others you made this month!
    It was an amazing amount of fabulous artwork you linked to the theme!
    A BIG BIG THANK YOU for all this Erika!
    We appreciate
    this !


  8. Oh how I love this unique little journal page!! Summer months always fly by for boaters...I notice that! Glad you passed the test and hope all goes well with the rest of it!! Hope you get in a bit more boating and if your lucky it will be a nice sept too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. You have quite a lot going on ...
    wishing you and your family all the best.
    The piece you created is very rich and expressive!
    This time of year seems to go into overdrive with the speeding of time. It will be you know what (read in a whisper: Christmas)before we know it. But I'm with you enjoying these August days and the September ones too.
    Wishing you a happy weekend.

  10. Wow! You do have a lot of changes going on in your life right now. Blessings on the kidney donor event, which is scary, but very exciting too. Have a marvelous creative weekend and good luck at school!

  11. Being able to donate your kidney to your husband would be awesome! I hope all goes well there.
    Your work is beautiful and so meaningful. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comment. I found it very encouraging.

  12. I was really caught up in this latest Time piece. There's so much going on, I couldn't take it all in at once. It amazed me.

    I am so hopeful for you and wish you nothing but the very, very, very best when it comes to the final test and the upcoming operation. I would be totally frightened, so I'm sure you'll keep us posted.

  13. A fantastic positive thinking page. I do hope all goes well for you and your husbandin the coming months.

  14. So true! This is a wonderful collage and I especially like how you used smaller bits of dictionary as the background. Thanks for your visit to my blog!

  15. Oh gosh, this is such a great "upward" piece, love all the details and the positivity of it and your writing.
    I'm sure your mother will be happier being surrounded by folks, if it is a good place as you say, and it will be a great load off your mind now that she is being looked after.
    Best wishes for all other health issues.
    Hope you have a great day on the water, sounds wonderful.

  16. wonderful composition and meaning! Hope all goes well with the tests, and that your mom will be happier and better in her new home!

  17. really nice mosaic

    thanks for dropping by my blog

    much love...

  18. Very cool. Love it when people use pages with words in their artwork. :-)

  19. Good luck with all that is coming up. Your art captures it perfectly!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy PPf

  20. What a stunning page for Time. Loved.
    What an amazing gift you will give your husband. The tests can seem to take so long but they are crucial. My husband had PCKD and the year after we married in '02, I donated my right kidney to him. He is still doing fine 12 years late, as am I. Hopefully you can have a laproscopic surgery - a little bit easier but I know it was the right decision. Being on dialysis for 1 1/2 saved his life, but it was not a quality life. All the best.

  21. I really liked the text on this art journal page.They have their own color and texture which livens up the whole spread.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!