Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Yes, it is September, isn't it? Actually, this is usually a gorgeous month. Of course it is starting off, as it often does, with heat and humidity, (I think because kids role into school and it is really back to work now!) but hopefully this will be it and we will cool off a bit.
Have you ever used Vaseline on a page? You put it on, scrape some texture into it, then gently, without a lot of pushing down, put paint heavily over it. Let the paint dry, and then wipe away the excess along with the Vaseline which doesn't dry. I used that on this page, to make these cool turquoise edges. The top one looks the best I think. I actually had forgotten about this technique but back a couple of weekends ago I took a painting class with Dina Wakely. The class was all about learning some interesting effects with acrylic paints. This is one I knew about but hadn't used in years.  It was a great reminder to use it again.
I also picked up this set of Dina Wakely stamps with all these flying birds on it. How fun are they?
And speaking of birds, here's a few photos I took last Saturday out in our boat.

And this cormorant and heron were having some issues.
 Not sure what it was all about.
But once the cormorant left the heron seemed a lot happier.
And it was a great animal day on the boat.  We also saw this.
This is the dorsal fin on  a minke whale. The whale was busy feeding. He or she  didn't care  a bit for us. One of my boating bucket list items was to see a whale out on the boat.
 How cool was this!
That's all for me today. Hope your weeks is going good!
And thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Love your art page, great idea with Vaseline, must try that! Love the bird photos, you got all my faves there. The herons here always chase off all 'competitors' of other bird races, they like to stand alone! Have a good day Sweetie! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Cool indeed to see the whale, great bird shots, herons everywhere on the river. Nice technique with the vaseline. xox

  3. Really lovely work and photos. Have a great month!

  4. I love this page.. the colors and composition makes me happy!
    Would be amazed to join a live -class with Dina !You are so lucky to have it joined!
    I know this technique with petroleum jelly - but like you I have used it not for a long time.. I am considering if it is possible to smear the vaseline over a stencil and get then the opposite of the stencil as a result after the process??? But I think it will smear to much... May be interesting!
    Erika your photos are just AWESOME! Wonderful done!


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