Sunday, September 20, 2015

Well, It Is a Page

Not my most favorite page ever, but I was trying to be clever.  I  think it is rather messy, even for me. But I shall post it anyhow!
I am linking this post to Art Journal Journey, guest hosted this month by Corrine. The theme this month is windows, and my page is about the telescope, which is the window to see the stars.
So this is a low key weekend for me! Got to love it after last week's craziness (2 after school meetings, 3 lunch meetings, 2 get the drift.). I am relaxing to get my energy renewed and make myself ready for spirit week at school this week. Every day has a different theme and by Friday the kids will be NUTS. Oh my.
So yesterday was summery and we went boating. It was a bit cool, but not as cool as today. It may be our last boat trip, depending on how cool and rainy it is over the next few weeks.
We did see several seals yesterday, which was pretty fun.
 This guy was swimming right up near out boat, and then 2 boats zipped by and he dived and disappeared.
And the usual shore birds.
 I've never noticed these dead trees so filled with cormorants before.

 And flying.  I think that is actually a seal rather fuzzy to the right of the bird in this photo.
 This duck was feasting on crabs. You can kind of see one in its mouth.

And this seagull was having a long and relaxing paddle. He went right along side the boat, unworried about the dogs. One was very interested in him, but the seagull just paddled along.
It was that kind of day.
Th days are noticeably shorter now. By seven last night it was well into dusk.  Only 2 more days until it is officially fall.
Where does the time go?


  1. LOVE your journal page, it is really fantastic. Thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey! And those photos, wow, how fun to have a seal swimming by you. And I have never seen so many cormorants at once, wonderful! Have lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. This page is gorgeous... not messy in my mind.. just artsy..and a very clever interpreation of the window theme as well!
    And I adore all you fantastic photos ..they are terrific!
    Thank you for sharing all this Erika and I wish power to you for the upcoming school week!
    Thank you for joining Art Journal Journey so often this month again! You are top!

  3. Gorgeous page and photos!Stunning!

  4. Fabulous rich earthy colours, Erika. Great photos too, I can feel the autumnal chill in your photos, the clean crisp air lingering there.

    Love and hugs

  5. I love your messy page, reminds me of night falling in. Too cool this morning. Watch a couple fisherman bait traps in the river this morning wearing jacket and socks, oh yes. Glad you saw some cute seals. xox

  6. This page is simply brilliant, I love the telescope window, so clever as always. Beautiful photos too.
    Mar xx


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