Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Currier and Ives Byway-Part 1

I hope today is a better day than yesterday ended up being, Work was crazy busy...too much so. Everybody needed something, at the same time! And my husband didn't have such a good doctor's appointment so we don't know if he'll be able to have his kidney transplant or not-at least in the near future.
So last night when I went to post I was rather in a blah mood. Instead of showing you some art, I decided to show you some photos from my past Monday road trip with my daughter, when the sky was blue (not raining like yesterday) and the air was warm and we were all having fun!
We were checking out a scenic byway my daughter works on at her job as an assistant planner.
This byway runs through 5 little towns in central New Hampshire.
We saw some historical sites.
Checked out a dam.
Saw a covered bridge, or 2.
Now who put a parking spot at the end of this bridge view? Wouldn't it have been perfect with the train car and signal if that car was not there?
And we went to an apple orchard, but we didn't take a horse carriage ride.
But we did see this beautiful view.
And had a little snack.
Warm apple crisp and ice cream.
There were even some Vikings in their ship-ha-ha!
Can you see the window right in the middle of this chimney?  Wonder if that effects the way the chimney performs?
And I saved one of the best for last!
I've got more to show you some other day! Hope your day is going well, and hope mine does too!


  1. Wonderful photos, looks like you had a great trip. Love the covered bridge. But you shouldn't have shown me the pie with ice cream - I had just made up my mind to be good today and eat no cake and now I am not sure if I ca keep it up. Sorry to hear about your husband's bad new, and hope very much that he will be able to have his transplant sooner or later, I know what a lot of tests you have had to try to make it possible. Take care of yourself Sweetie, have a good day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Beautiful tour, but crap news about hubby. Hoping the situation improves right away. xox

  3. Wonderful photos Erika but I am sorry about the not so good news... thinking of you and finger crossed that everything goes well.


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