Friday, October 30, 2015

Frightful Halloween

Friday has arrived again! I've been in a sour mood about work this week and that has made it drag a bit. Just glad it is the weekend and I hope my mood improves-not only because I don't have to work but hopefully I will feel more positive about my profession itself. It might help to start off the new month and finish off the first quarter in a better place.
I think the trigger is that I am sliding into my winter hibernation mode slowly, and with that I am wanting to escape it and go someplace different. One of the reasons I go into this mode is how much I get stuck inside with the shorter days and being at work inside all day, and I really want a  little journey where I can be out and about.
Or maybe speed up time or slow up time and go back to summer!
I think that would be really nice!
I've got a spooky Halloween journal page for you today. 
It started with a Gelli printed background, and then this Stamper's Anonymous image of this walking dead. I stamped this zombie twice-once onto my journal page directly and then onto some white paper. I cut out a few of his parts to make him a bit more of a realistic figure.
Like zombie's are even realistic! Ha!
The screaming girl's face is my own sketch which is then outlined in paint.
I am linking this page to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting  every week, and I recommend you stop by and check out all the great art that gets posted. Especially if you've never been by!

So today is my daughter's 24th birthday! Wahoo!
I can't believe those 24 years have screamed right by. When I delivered her all of the staff at the hospital were dressed up for Halloween.
I am sure she would kill me for showing her in this photo (if she knew that is). For no other reason than she is in her walking/work clothes. We were in the process of cleaning out the garage last weekend so we could use it for cars (especially once the snow starts to fly-oh my!) and not for all the summer stuff that gets pulled out.
She took this selfie on my phone so I thought I would post it.

What a goof ball!
So any big weekend plans? Not really sure what's up around my house. We've still got some fall clean up to do, but I am thinking of that isn't very exciting. Since the hubby has dialysis tonight and the daughter has plans we will celebrate her birthday tomorrow.
And maybe something spontaneous will pop up! (And if it does, it had better be good!)
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. Your daughter is a lovely girl, happy birthday to her! Love your scary page, great gelli background, too. Hugs, Valerie

  2. You are industrious to clean the garage. Come do mine!!! Your art is fun and well done. I also do not look forward to the short days. When I worked some winters I left home before light and arrived home after dark. The only day I saw was at lunchtime when I'd take a walk in the cold. Keep doing your art; it can be a respite from the blues.

  3. Happy birthday to your daughter. Have a wonderful day!

  4. Your daughter is a funny and very pretty young woman.
    Wishing the best for her birthday!

    My daughter will turn 15 next february
    time flies ...

    Your page is great!

    I wish that your mood improves Erika!
    Think positive!
    Happy weekend - relax and enjoy!

  5. Love the spooky page! Your daughter's picture is lovely! :)

  6. Happy Birthday to your (not so little) girl
    Where does the time go?
    I am enjoying your frightening artwork...very interesting work.
    Happy PPF

  7. What a fun and spooky page, great zombie! Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  8. I would scream too if I met him on the street ;-) Sorry to hear your week hasn't been so good. I can totally relate to wanting to escape the winter, and it gets worse every year....

  9. I can relate with the mood thing.. the getting shorter days and less light and lousy work weeks and even the pretty 24 yr old. i have two 24 yr olds. I am grateful for ART. ART saves. Take care of you!!

  10. I'm trying to remember what that age feels like, but it's been too long. Happy Birthday to your daughter and I love your spooky paintings. Good to see you.

  11. Happy birthday to your daughter. Great spooky art. Hope your mood lifts up soon.

  12. Ah, at least I'm not exactly late wishing your daughter a happy birthday. She's a doll. After cleaning Sally's garage, I don't want to see another one. Looks like you were in the middle of the mess when the photo was taken.

    Had to laugh at your zombie. He really DID look the part and yiu did a great job with him. Nicely done all round.

    Have a super Halloween and birthday bash with your daughter.

  13. fun post; happy weekend to you and your daughter

    Thanks for dropping by my blog

    much love..

  14. What a lovely daughter---isn't that a phrase from a Beatles song? But true no less. Get out the sun lamp for those gray days, or go out. It is often lighter than you think when you actually go outside, even if just driving in the car! I love your very elaborate scary work for the Halloween holiday!

  15. What a scary piece of artwork! EEEeeeek! But what a beautiful girl you have. She's adorable. :D


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