Sunday, October 18, 2015

Happy Page!

I'm back on-line again! Funny how we used to live just fine without the internet, and cell phones too, and now when they go down we feel so lost and frustrated.
But I am glad to be back and that it wasn't too big of a hassle to get it working!
So I had this paper that I cleaned off a brush that was thick with yellow paint, and decided because it was so happy and cheerful I would make a joyful page on it. I cut the house from a deli-wrap I had Gelli printed, and then I doodled with pen, marker and paint. Then I stamped this fun little flowers and this happy little saying. And I added this heart which I free hand cut out.
I am linking this page to Art Journal Journey. This month's theme is architecture and it is being hosted by Sheila.
So we're into some very chilly and late fall weather this weekend. Brrr. The leaves are starting to fall too, oh my. I'd say we are at just about peak color though, but with the wind and cold I think we're going to have lots of bare trees before you know it.
Last night the hubby and I went to see the new Tom Hanks/Steven Spielberg  movie, Bridge of Spies.  I liked it. I had some questions after the movie, but because it was a movie about the lawyer and the events in his life, it didn't go into those world events in all that much depth. It didn't talk about the actual spying, and I wanted to know more about when the Berlin Wall was built, and about life in Berlin at that time. But I guess those are other stories, and I will say, a well made movie should make you think.
So I leave you today with a few more photos from last Monday when I went on road trip with my daughter (and the 2 dogs riding along too) along the Currier and Ives Byway in Central New Hampshire. Because Monday was so warm and  late summer like, and today is so cold, it seems so long ago.

Enjoy what's left of your weekend!


  1. Welcome back. Interesting work and effort, and photos too. Greetings!

  2. Love your journal page, great colours and idea with the house. Your photos are wonderful, you saw some great places and things on your trip. Glad you enjoed the film. Good to see you back again! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Hello Erika. This is my 1st visit. Great pictures. I love the chimneys and bird houses. Have a happy Sunday!

  4. Very nice house and beautiful page. All on it is so joyful and happy. Thanks for sharing your photos. You live in the beautiful area.
    Have a wonderful new week ♥

  5. Fantastic page Erika and wonderful photos ! Great! Thank you for sharing ! Great that you enjoyed the film.. I learned a lot about those times during the last weeks from the german TV - documentaries -since they celebrate 25 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall there is a lot to see right now.
    Happy new week for you!
    Thank you very much for linking another fantastic page to Art Journal Journey!

  6. You've made such a very happy page. Love the happy house and all the cheerful flowers, and I see they have a fire lit, very cosy.
    I enjoyed your photos, especially of the large house and the little special bird houses.

  7. Oh I am loving your happy art!! Very fun!! And the photos are very Currier and Ives puzzle like!! Love them...They are so timeless and beautiful they could have been taken here in B.C. Nice post...glad you liked the movie!!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. Your page IS happy and how fun to hear how it all came together.
    Lovely photos of your sunny getaway and what a great name for a scenic byway!
    Things certainly can change in an instant.
    We're expecting our first frost of the season here in N. VA.
    Also hope to see the Tom Hanks' spy film.
    He and Jimmy Fallon did a great "spy" bit the other night well worth watching with them in French berets ;-)
    Glad you're up and running again.

  9. A lovely bright page I wouldn't mind living in that house. Gorgeous photos

  10. Pretty photos, it was a lovely day. Cold at the river today, you would not have wanted to be on the boat. I like your happy house. How is hubby? xox

  11. It's great to see that you are back online. I agree that without my computer and internet, I'm lost. So, I can empathize.

    I really like how the deli paper allowed the yellow background to show through. What a wonderful house, and loved how you made it.

    It's still warm here, but our temps have dropped to the mid 80s F for daytime and 60s F at night. I even hung my laundry outside yesterday because it was so beautiful (and of course, the clothes smelled so much better, too). I hope you return to warmer weather soon. It's sad to read that the trees have now just about given up all their lovely colors. Ours go from green to brown to dead. Nothing pretty here.

    I especially enjoyed the bird houses and the rust. You may not know much about me yet, but my heart goes pitter patter when I see rust (grin).

  12. Beautiful colors and an adorable house. This is a fantastic page! Thank you for sharing your photos. Mar x


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