Sunday, October 11, 2015


So we got home late last night from our little mini-adventure to Portland, Maine
Portland is only a little over an hour away so its not like we traveled all that far.
We saw some good hockey. We screamed  and cheered a lot. We met up with my husband's sister and her husband. We also met up with one of my college roommates and her husband (who we also knew in college). We go years between seeing each other so that was really fun.
 We ate some yummy food, managed to squeeze in a beach walk and even got silly and posed with our school mascot. I have a project for this in mind...
All in all it was a whole lot of fun, and the best part, I have tomorrow off for the long Columbus Day weekend. Its like I have another weekend starting today!

So I have another architecture page for you today. I am linking this to Art Journal Journey. Thanks to  Sheila for hosting this month.

So this page began as a clean off paper for some black paint on my paintbrush. I painted over that with light blue to give this nice evening sky effect. Then I stamped the city buildings 3 times (Hero Arts), colored and then cut them out before attaching them to the page. Then I doodled the bottom border, wrote the little saying, stamped the stars and added this cloth cut out moon.
I admit Portland, Maine is not that big of a city but since I did spend some time among a bit taller buildings, this page fits my hockey weekend post just perfect!
Guess it is time to get moving. I've managed to do nothing all morning except diddle around on the computer and there are dogs just waiting to go for a walk. 
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Wonderful journal page, love the stamps you used. Glad you had such a good outing, it's great to meet up with old friends, you all look happy and really cool in your Maine sweatshirts. Enjoy the rest of the long weekend! Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a fantastic page Erika and wow.. you all look as if you had much fun!
    Thank you for sharing the photos!
    Enjoy your day tomorrow as well!
    Thank you for such a fab page to Art Journal Journey!

  3. wow,what a wonderful tiny houses.great town,love it.

    hugs jeannette

  4. Looks like you had a really happy time.
    Your AJJ art is wonderful, that's a great sky above your many-coloured happy-looking houses, thanks for joining in again.

  5. Good times. Hope you had some lobstah or at least chowder while there. Looks like a fun weekend. xox

  6. Golly Erika, that journal page is wonderful. Your use of color with the stamps made it stand out. I was super impressed. I still can't believe how awesome the houses turned out.

    Looks like you had a good time for the start of the long weekend. I had completely forgotten that Columbus Day was a Federal holiday. Thanks for reminding me, even though I'll be off and running.

  7. What a great city stamp and you used it brilliantly on that special background. So true about each city's uniqueness.
    Wash DC is about 20 miles from where we live and I was thinking the other day how great it is that only a few monuments are tall everything else has been kept at a low profile... so far at least.
    Every now and again greedy builders want to go sky high but they get voted down.
    Looks like you had a great time with sports and friends and more!


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