Monday, October 26, 2015

New Week

No art today. Since we are rolling into the last week October already, thought I would show you what else I have been up to during the month. 
I haven't done tons of reading, but I wanted to reread this book ever since our visit back in early September to the Isle of Shoals because part of this book is set on one of the islands (not the one we visited) and also in Portsmouth, NH where I work. (see this post if you want to see Isles of Shoals and here's a post from when I played local tourist last summer Portsmouth )

And I've been baking a bit this month too. Sorry for the temptation :)   I made a banana cake and I also made this checkerboard cake with Swiss meringue buttercream (my new obsession- I want some now-YUM!)
 I always wanted to try a checkerboard cake.

 I love how it bakes up in these bulls eye target rings.

And I've started knitting again for the season.
I started another Christmas stocking. I made 3 last year, and I have so much fun picking colors and patterns. This one is going to be all patterns, no Christmas motifs. 
I put up my famous Halloween pumpkins too.
I know they aren't really famous, but they were in a Somerset publication many many years ago. I love them. Every now and again I get a really good idea.
Have a wonderful start to your week everyone!


  1. Wow, you have been busy. Your pumpkins look so fun, and your cakes - oh my, temptation pure, and I was trying to have a healthy day today - it might just have to wait till tomorrow. And the thought of Swiss meringue buttercream - siiiiiiiiigh!!! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Erika, I love to see your cake, looks moist and fluffy. One piece wouldn't be enough for me!

  3. Gosh what an artpiece of a cake?!!!! Gorgeous..that must be delicious! WOW! Beautiful knitted patterns and your pumpkin deco is just super!


  4. I forgot Anita Shreve was local. Haven't read this one. OMG those cakes are amazing. You are becoming quite the baker. Post teaching profession in the making??? xox

  5. Mouth watering cake. It has come out in good texture!


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