Saturday, November 28, 2015

Already the End of the Weekend

The long weekend is flying right by. Way too fast.
Of course.
I can't believe it is already Saturday night.
This weekend has so far been about food, shopping, some cleaning and lots of laughs.
My husband's sister's husband is a chef so we had a delicious but way too much food dinner on Thanksgiving. 
Of course there would have been more stuffing but one of the dogs got into it. :)
I guess he wanted dinner too!

 And I didn't do any baking for Thanksgiving. It made it really low key. And very NICE. My niece Ally, seen here below, was playing budding pastry chef. Guess she takes after her dad the chef. But my daughter and I did make another cranberry vodka with a splash of orange turkey shaped jello. It was a lot better with the splash of orange. Here's the link to the turkey jello post earlier this week Holiday Weekend.
And even though we didn't go out until 9 AM on Friday, we did do some Black Friday shopping and got lots of good deals. My husband is hooked on Black Friday shopping. And he hates to shop. But a few years ago he discovered the big chain hardware stores have good manly deals. Like drills and tool boxes and that kind of stuff.
My daughter and I went out Wednesday evening to do some girly shopping since the holiday deals were already up. (And no one is shopping then either.)
I've always wanted to put a Christmas tree in my dining room kitchen area. But it is not a big space and most trees wouldn't fit. But I found this pencil tree (on a good sale too) Friday. 
I need to decorate it still but I put it together this morning.
This makes me smile.
I think tomorrow we are off to the Christmas tree farm to cut a real tree for the living room. 
And after shopping Friday my daughter and I went out and met a friend of mine who was up from North Carolina. You can see my friend's reflection behind me in the left corner taking this photo.
We chatted, had drinks and had more food. I am ready to get back to normal amount of  food again.
And I am shopped out now too!
And I am finally getting close to getting my studio finally purged, reorganized and picked back up. Today was rainy and made a good cleaning day.
I need to get it finished because cleaning it isn't as fun as it was when I started.
And I want to get back to some art play!
Its been a nice weekend so far though. Warmer weather, and maybe nothing too adventurous but fun holiday weekend activities.
Better than last year- Thanksgiving 2014!  We had this the day before the holiday and lost our electricity for over 48 hours.

Thank goodness we didn't get any snow this year.
That's all for me. Thanks for stopping by to visit.


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, the food and drink look so good!

  2. Goodness, I simply adore that pencil tree. It is beautiful, but still too big for my tiny home. I love the way you shared your Thanksgiving with us. It felt so homey and warm. Truly lovely.

    Looks like you got lots and lots of great deals, too. That's pretty amazing.

    BTW, your 2014 Thanksgiving looks a bit like what we had here, except we got ICE in place of snow. Thanks for leaving a nice comment yesterday and NO, there was only one.

  3. Looks like you all had a good time, with good company and wonderful food. It must be nice to have family to meet up with and celebrate! Love your pencil tree, so pretty. I hope you don't get snow like that this year! Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  4. Lovely photos from your Thanksgiving celebration Erika, enjoy the rest of your weekend sweetie.

    Love and hugs

  5. Gosh.. that was a super Thanksgiving as it seems..
    fantastic photos ! I was also a bit busy with some decorating and meeting friends - so I am a bit late with commenting-
    Thank you for sharing--- this decoration tree is AWESOME!!!

    oxo Susi


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