Friday, November 13, 2015

Fun Owl

Friday again. The rain we've been having the last few days is moving out but they say we'll get a little bit cooler temperatures for this weekend. I need to do some leaf clean up. Frown! We are quickly approaching the time of year we could get our first big snow, (last year we had a huge storm the day before Thanksgiving-like Nov. 26) and I don't want to get caught short with all those leave still on the ground, just in case we dumped on. Otherwise it makes the spring clean up a lot more work. 
But hopefully none of that white weather until December-------------------or January---------- or ever as far I am concerned! 
But I don't think I will be that lucky.
Another bird journal page today. This piece is a collage of paint, deli-wrap painted papers, and some other paper images. I stamped the black linear parts.
I keep thinking this page isn't finished, but as I don't know what else it needs, I am calling it finished.
I think this owl is awesome.  I cut her out of a magazine. And I added the yellow to her eyes, beak and talons.
I am linking this little owl lady up to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting.
I am also linking this up to Art Journal Journey. Thanks to Susi for hosting this month and for the theme of fall colors.
Be sure to visit those pages if you don't usually stop by them, and check out some interesting paintings, journal pages and other arty things
So my weekend is going to be quiet-I hope.  I am very excited about a low key weekend. Besides the dreaded yard de-leafing, I  need to move this new shelf unit up into the spare bedroom. It is sitting here in the middle of my already small living room making it even smaller. I can't wait to get it upstairs and get it filled up with paint tubes and other art goodies! I am having fun thinking about how I want to arrange my things in it, and what art supplies I actually want to put in it.
Cleaning up and going through my art supplies can be as fun as making art. I do like to sort through and find those things I forget I even owned. Wednesday when I was working I found a shoe box of  postcards I collected years ago to collage with, and now I feel like I have a new selection of  journal fodder.  But usually I need the carrot at the end of the stick, like a new piece of storage furniture,  to get me moving to do that cleaning.
So thanks for stopping by. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


  1. Love your wonderful journal page today, great colour and composition. The stamping adds a lot of depth. Thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey. Hope you are soon through with your cleaning and furniture moving, it's nice to find 'lost' stuff again! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. oohh my,what a beautiful page today,i love owls,and with the hot colors they are a great composition.
    have a great weekend,and thanks for your kind comment to my flower child.

    hugs jenny

  3. I love owls! How fun to find such a great one in a magazine. Awesome page!

  4. I am thrilled about today's page Erika! AWESEOME!Thank you for another eyecatcher to our theme at AJJ! Oh this cabinet looks just fabulous..can't wait to see it filled with all the funny stuff..the same to up brings forgotten treasures for me!
    Happy weekend !

  5. Wow, he/she is so bold and beautiful. Gorgeous page background.
    Happy weekend xx

  6. The shelf comes in useful for your craft room. Have a lovely weekend!

  7. Beautiful journal page. Love the background and your delightful owl. Happy PPF

  8. Your owl art is brilliant Erika-I love that background! And boy would I love a cabinet like yours with so many compartments, Please do share once it's filled with your art goodies:)

  9. Whenever I am stuck and can't get motivated, I organize my goodies. I am always amazed at what I've found dumpster diving that I've forgotten I have. That usually gets me motivated. Of course, you don't have that problem, so I can't wait to see this cubby in place. And of course, that owl is wonderful. I love the rich colors you chose to go behind him (hope it's a him). Enjoy your weekend and come up for air whenever you have a chance.

  10. Fabulous journal page! Enjoy sorting always feels good to get that done! I love finding art treasures in the mess!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. Your owl with his yellow eyes looks great, it's a super collage with all the interesting pieces.
    That's a great shelf unit, I agree it's good fun to sort out art supplies.

  12. This is a wonderful page. That owl is beautiful

  13. this is such a beautiful owl study, really luv this

    have a good weekend; thanks for drooping in to view mine

    much love...

  14. Beautiful page and owl looks very "owlish". Just looking at the shelf makes me feel excited. Enjoy.


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