Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Little Birds

Tuesday! But tomorrow is Veteran's Day and there is no school! Although a day off in the middle of the week is kind of strange to have, it does break up this week. And I am hoping for a nice day with not a lot of wind so I can rake all those leaves in my back yard. (Even though they are saying rain! I hope those weather people are wrong!)
Last Friday I think all the remaining leaves still had on the trees had a discussion and decided it was time for them all to fall off. The yard went from a few leaves to a carpet of brown!
And I have been making a bit of art.
Here's a journal page. 
Not sure if this page is the colors of autumn or not. It fits right now, and it is autumn, but hmm.
Going to link up to Art Journal Journey which is hosted this month by Susi and has a colors of autumn theme.
I added a couple of old pattern pieces that I found under a stack of Gelli printed papers.
Then  I freehand sketched and painted the this bird cage on this bird themed Gelli printed page, and I stenciled the little birds on the cage in blue. Finally I added the words which were painted and then outlined.
It is a dark and chilly Tuesday morning and there's isn't too much new and exciting here in my house. Last week's warmer weather had disappeared and we are back into November. The trees are now bare, the days are getting shorter and shorter, and even when the sun is up it seems like the shadows are so long. I am sliding into hibernation mode...more TV at night, going to bed earlier, wanting to eat rich food...all those bad, or in another way good,  things.
Ah late fall.
Hope your week is going well so far.
And thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh yes, definitely colours of autumn, so hope you link up to us with this gorgeous page! Your back yard looks like a lot of work still to do, here people are sweeping leaves everywhere, too. Enjoy your free day in the middle of the week, hugs, Valerie

  2. Looks lovely but Wow! what a lot of leaves to pick up. I spent 2 hours the other day on a small area picking up leaves but now replaced by others to pick up again :(
    Think I was a hedgehog in a previous life and want to hibernate in the winter too.
    Love the colours and your journal page...its fabulous .. hope the birds fly off to some where sunnier and warmer.
    Have a lovely day...
    Gill x

  3. Sooooo many leaves ..gosh .. you definitively need a leaf blower Erika!
    Your cage page is just beautiful and I think it is wonderful inspired by autumn colours.. the browns from the leaves and the blue from the sky!
    Enjoy your free day !
    Thank you very much for another fab contribution to Art Journal Journey!

    And thank you for sharing your daily life with us as well!

  4. These definitely are the Colors of autumn and i like your Journal entry!

  5. The leaves in our backyard must have had a conversation with the ones in yours because they all decided to fall, too. But I love the carpet of gold I now have in the yard.

    Your bird piece is so much fun and it shows a lot of freedom in the background. Love it all!

  6. Great painting, Erika, and I am glad to see the birds can fly in and out of their very pretty cage. I like the blue birds, they look happy there. The lettering is very attractive too.

  7. I love your page, as well as the quote you chose for it, and believe the fall colors are perfect. Enjoy your day off tomorrow, even though it may involve some yard work. My students will have the day off, but I have to go to a workshop. Thanks for your visit. Blessings!

  8. I can't believe how green your grass still is. It looks like new sod. It is beautiful sticking out from under that carpet of leaves. I think you should mulch it, rather than raking it. It's far better for the soil.

    Happy Veterans Day.

  9. I got so wrapped up in your lawn, I forgot to tell you how much I like your birdcage journal page. I can't believe you drew that. It's GREAT!

  10. Love your page. And nice views of your backyard? Great big space. xox

  11. Wow, absolutly great made page - love how you arranged all the elements, love the colors too. Ulrike


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