Monday, December 28, 2015

A Great Day

So I had the most wonderful day today. I cut, glued, painted, doodled, and collaged from 9;30 in the morning until almost 4:30 in the afternoon. I could have cut, glued, painted,  doodled, and collaged more but the dogs needed picking up.  Here's one of the pages I made.  Its a collage of a Gelli printed background, papers, the front of a couple of artsy postcards, some stamped images, and some die cuts.
I am linking this page to Art Journal Journey. The theme for this month is collage and it is being hosted by the creative Valerie. The month is almost over but not quite so there's still time to check out some really fabulous journal pages.
I am also linking up this week (I finally remembered to take a photo) to Elizabeth's T Stands for Tuesday.
Here's my cup of Chai Latte (Trader Joe's Instant Chai Latte)  in one of my new owl mugs I got for Christmas.
I needed a little holiday sweet with it too. I had a little piece from the left overs of this gingerbread cake I made . 
I bought some of this non-melting sugar to sprinkle onto this cake which looks like snow. I love it because it stays powdery like this even several days later.
And if you don't like gingerbread I made some gingersnap cookies- Scandinavian style.
Speaking of snow, we're suppose to be getting our first big snow tonight into tomorrow.
Sad face for me. Substantial snow they say, starting late tonight and going into tomorrow afternoon. And we have hockey tickets for a game in Portland, Maine tomorrow night. The hubby is even taking tomorrow off because we were going to head over and spend the day in town. But if the roads are bad...we will have to see I guess.
Figures, huh!
Anyhow, that's it for me.
I am writing this as I watch When Harry Met Sally which I got on Blue Ray for Christmas.  I've seen this movie probably 50 times and I still love it. Thanks for my daughter for finding it in a markdown bin and being a smart enough girl to pick it for me. Its always a good way to spend a quiet vacation evening watching movies you love.
So stay warm and I hope you are having a wonderful start to your week,


  1. Welcome to T Erika. I'm simply delighted you were able to join us this week, and hopefully into 2016, too.

    That's a great collage, and I have to say that you do SO much better with your gelli plate than anything I ever got. Wish I could play with you for one day to learn your secrets to getting great backgrounds like that. Mine are always tragically pathetic.

    I adore your new owl mug. It is simply adorable. As for gingerbread and gingersnap cookies, I'm right there with you. Love them both. I have never heard of that sugar, but I certainly like the looks of the completed cake. I can tell you like to cook and bake because of all the beautiful things you try and share with us each week.

    Our ice, high winds, and well below freezing temps are here already. We got ours yesterday, and I don't envy that this storm is on its way to you. It's a killer, with white outs, downed power lines, closed highways, frozen overpasses, etc. It's truly not safe to be out where I am. I hope that's not the same for you and your husband tomorrow.

    Thanks so much for sharing your collage, your baked goods, and your Chai Latte in your new mug with us for T this week. And thanks for joining us, too.

  2. A great day and a great post too Erika!
    Fun to have you join in for T with your special cuppa and those yummy treats.
    Your idea of fun is mine too...what a nice long day you had making super art.
    Here's to a new year of friendship and inspiration.
    Happy T Day oxo

  3. What a wonderful post! Love the journal page, thanks for joining us again at AJJ, and your cookies look so good, as does that wonderful owl mug. The cake is wonderful, never seen non melting sugar over here. Have a happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  4. wow,a wonderful collage and yummie cake,love your page.

    hugs jenny

  5. lots of delightful things: the drink in the beautiful mug, the yummy looking Sweets...
    how good to spend a day with collaging etc: the result is wonderful.
    keeping my fingers crossed you can drive to the game...
    and speaking of Harry and Sally: i know all the dialogs by heart and can be the prompter, haha!
    have a good start into 2016 and happy t-day!

  6. I love your collage - it's a beautiful one - I really can see how much fun you had on your -only art Erika day!
    Thank you for all your support to AJJ - I know I said it many times this month -
    so now I say it once again!
    I am with you for your delicious gingerbread cake and gingersnap cookies - and those mug looks amazing to me as I am a big fan of owls.
    I know what you mean with this movies we can watch so often- I watched Bridget Jones for the 10th time I think.
    Keep care - the weather is insidious -
    we had 68°F yesterday in the sun - unbelievable - that's much more as we can wish for on easter normally, but a cold front is now predicted.
    Happy New Year!
    Happy T-Day!

  7. Fabulous collage Erika!! We have been on the same wavelength about collaging along with gelli papers:):) Your gingerbread cake looks like it should be in a bakery window along with those delightful cookies! Love your owl mug too. We had our first taste of a bit of freezing rain last night but even though it's cold it is now just lots of rain. Guess it is that time to accept the wintry weather-although like you I don't like it. Hope you are able to enjoy your game and outing. Happy T day and a very happy New Year too!

  8. Sounds like a perfect day to me. Pretty nice cake to go with your chai in the owl mug. Today will probably be too since it's to nasty to go anywhere, time to play. xox

  9. Your collage is wonderful! I have yet to try gelli printing. Although I have purchased some unflavored gelatin so I'm one step closer. :)
    Love the bundt cake...I had no idea one could purchase non-melting sugar!! I have a bundt pan similar to that one...not exactly trees but lots if intricate points. I'm honestly scared to use it!! I have enough trouble with my standard fluted bundt pan.
    We got about 4 inches of snow overnight and they say we could get another 3-4 today...we'll see. Orignally this sotm was supposed to dump 9-12 inches so I think we lucked out!
    Happy T day and Happy New Year!

  10. Hi Erika, I love gingerbread and gingersnap cookies. But I think yours look so much delicious. Enjoy your holidays and Happy New Year!

  11. Your cup would have coffee in it at my house ;) I got a kick out of the owl cup. We love gingerbread (and ginger snap) cookies, but I've never had gingerbread cake. It certainly looks tasty.

    We've been having record highs here, with thunderstorms and high winds. Snow sounds like a treat, except it would come when you have plans :( I hope you're able to make your outing work.

  12. Wonderful art Erika!!!! Happy T-day, glad you joined us this week with a drink in an adorable owl cup!
    I've never heard of non-melting powdered sugar, pretty neat the way it stays white on the yummy looking cake.
    Hope you make it to the hockey game.
    Happy New Year!!

  13. I love your collage. Especially the colour. ?.orange, national colour of the Netherlands!
    My fav tea is chai latte, which we cant get in Spain, so now I'm in Holland, I've bought a few tubs and am enjoying a cup as I speak. Your cake looks scrummy too. Can I have a large slice please? And a gingerbread star to go with my chai latte. Thank you.
    Happy t day and also a happy new year.

  14. Wowser! What a great post! I love the journal page! I love my gelli plate too! Your Bundt cake looks amazing - my son made fig,orange and pecan one and brought it (and some other sweet treats)to our family party last Sunday! I love owls so your mug made me smile! I hope you get to the hockey game - take care! Happy T day! Chrisx

  15. More one creative year.Let us dissolve our emotions in colors and images in magic.Happy New Year!


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