Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Post for You Readers

This is a piece I made earlier, disliked a lot, and went back to for a little fixing up.  Much better now!  I thought the original looked too much like a board game. (I won't show you the first one, even though I did post it awhile back so if it looks vaguely familiar, you know why).
I dedicate this new much improved view to all of you who stop by-giving you my heart and thanks for being my readers.
I am  linking this to Moo Mania,(or will be, as this is a pre-post as I am at another hockey game tonight). And one more link to Art Journal Journey before this month's challenge winds down tomorrow.
Wow- I can't believe tomorrow is the last day 2015.
So yesterday we got about 4 inches of snow, not tons, but it was still not the greatest driving. We did make it to our hockey game, only to lose by 1 point. Tonight there's a rematch but in Manchester, New Hampshire. Tonight they are saying ice...YUK...even worse than driving in the snow and the game is also about an hour away so hopefully the roads won't be bad and even more so, we can win this game tonight. I am writing this around 9:30 AM and as I look out the window I see more snow falling. I guess winter has arrived, at least for now. I think after the extremely warm December we have had you know this will arrive but you hope it won't...that's life isn't it?
No more for me. I want to go play for a awhile. Thanks again for stopping by my blog! :)


  1. Thanks for linking another lovely collage to Art Journal Journey! Thanks again for all your support this year, I loved seeing all you made. Have a good 2016, may it be happy, healthy and safe for you and yours. Hugs, Valerie

  2. I am delighted to have met you this year. It seem AJJ brought us together. Your art keeps me coming back. I hope you are safe on the road tonight, and the ice doesn't get as bad as ours. It still hasn't melted here and won't until temps get above 32 F. Enjoy your New Year's Day and I look forward to many more visits in 2016 and beyond.

  3. Love your Love page Erika!
    It is a special thing to be connected to so many creative mixed media glad we "met" this year.
    Here's to another year of friendship and inspiration.
    Take care in your wintery weather.
    Today we saw the sun for the first time in days and it may have finally stopped raining for a bit too.
    Happy Happy New Year! oxo

  4. Very creative.
    Blessings Just browsing through blogspotville and thought I’d stop in to wish you a happy new year.
    May you have more triumphs than trials
    More joy than sorrow
    More support than judgement
    More Inspiration than discouragement
    More resources and access than obstacles
    and may you know through it all
    That you are blessed and a blessing (by D.S.B.S.Rhapsody)


  5. This is a wonderful page Erika! I am always so pleased to visit you here on your blog and want to say THANK YOU for all your support for
    Art Journal Journey and Moo Mania & More!
    I hope you are safe on the road tonight!!!
    A Happy New Year my friend!

  6. It does look like a board game, how fun. xox


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