Thursday, December 10, 2015

Santa Photo

Ho-Ho-Ho!  Here's a recent holiday collage that I am linking to Art Journal Journey. Thanks to Valerie for hosting this month!
I have to laugh because the little boy (on a TH found relative card) looks a little shell shocked with Santa. Makes me wonder if his Mom was coaxing him to make the visit. We have no photos of my daughter with Santa because she was always afraid of him, as are so many kids. It is kind of a scary thing to go sit on a strangers lap...I suppose for some it is rather a strange tradition that has come about because department stores want another way to bring in shoppers...
I also apologize for the dark bottom right corner. The color also a bit more orange than the red it actually is.  I leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark so taking photos under work lights is always rather a sketchy thing.
This collage is made on a stenciled and painted over page. I left the edges white on purpose to show a bit of the colors of the leaf stencil (but I did doodle in a red border). I then added the photo, some old bank slips from a check book, tape, snowflake stamps, wooden snowflakes painted white, and my bottle cap creations made from bottle caps, red bead and then one of those white wooden snowflakes.  Not sure I actually like them, but I don't dislike them either.
So not much new here with me. We have some clouds, and the weather continues to be warm. They are saying another weekend with temperatures in the 50's. (At least to start) YAHOO! Though it doesn't feel very Christmas like I will take it. Hoping I can  get some art time this evening after work; I've been feeling a little short of time lately-everywhere-too much to do, and the daylight being so short, I slow down earlier than in the summer. Hopefully a little play time tonight will help balance that out.
Hope yours is going well!
And as always, I appreciate you stopping by,


  1. Love the journal page, that kid does look scared, I never went near Santa either! Love how you built up the layers of the collage. Here it has been rather warm for the season, but today it's cold and frosty and sunny, so great! Thanks so much for joining us again at Art Journal Journey! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Hello Erika
    A great collage, the color is really strong and for Christmas, just like it should be. Does the boy looks a little scared, but when he gets the gifts he would be determined.
    I wish you have a nice time.

  3. I have seen little kids screaming away when their mothers put them on Santa's lap but there some who eagerly waited for their turn. Over here we have sun and rain on the same day.

  4. What a fantastic page! I searched for Santa photos on google recently and the most kids look very scared on the photos. A strange man this Santa for sure.
    We had also very warm temperatures for this time of the year recently... I like it... but it's not normal and the plants don't know what to do - some of my springflowers show their green tips already --- uups.

    Thank you for that lovely collage for Art Journal Joureny Erika!
    Happy Friday!

  5. A fantastic festive collage. The little lad looks a bit overawed but I'm sure he must have enjoyed his visit to Santa.
    Yvonne xx

  6. I adore this page, Erika. I agree that children seem to be afraid of Santa, especially if they are told to stay away from strangers.

    I also have a lot of trouble when I try to photograph something in winter, even when I use my OTT light. I always seem to have a shadow from my lens. That's why anytime I can scan something in the winter, I'll do it.

    You have put a lot into this page. Lots and lots of layers, tape, and stencils.

    It's been beautiful here, and our good weather is expected through tomorrow. Then it's back to the deep freeze of December for us. Glad your decent weather will last through the weekend.

  7. A fab page the colours are gorgeous x


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