Monday, December 21, 2015

Ugly Cookies and a Collage (or two)

 Christmas week is here. I spent the night finishing up a few home made gifts so they'll be ready for Friday. Wow- Friday is Christmas. Seems like there was so much time and now I am checking off my list to be sure those  little projects I started get finished. 
How about you? Are you finished up with your pre-holiday preparations or are you a last minute person?
So today I have 2 journal pages to show you. I am linking up to Art Journal Journey. The theme this month is collage and it is being hosted by Valerie.
Due to the lack of sunshine, these photos are a tad bit darker than they are in real life.
 So I decided to do a little holiday baking last Saturday night. I was baking when my daughter decided to join me. She has never shown any interest in cooking or baking, but I let her help, after all it is quality mom-daughter time. And you never know what might spark something! Anyhow she decided I was too slow taking cookies off the cookie sheets, so I gave the job to her, and ha-ha, she broke almost every cookie.

This was the part she excelled in. These were the cookies before they became what we fondly refer to as the ugly cookies.
 But it doesn't really matter if they look good  or not because they taste yummy and we had fun. 
Chocolate chip cookies with chopped up candy canes or chocolate cookies with a peppermint Hershey's kiss. Take your pick.
I also made some other dough which is put in the fridge. My plan is when I get home from work Wednesday afternoon (its only a half day Wednesday) I can roll and cut and bake and decorate and have myself some holiday fun since I will be home alone until later in the evening.
Can you tell I'm still in the cookie baking mood?
So that is all for me today. Hope your manage to find some holiday cheer in your day.


  1. Yum Yum your house must smell great and those cookies certainly look delicious to me.
    Extra sweet baking with someone really special too!
    I used to bake a couple dozen different varieties of cookies but that hasn't happened for some years now.
    We have dialed down Christmas for several reasons and I am kind of OK with it.
    I hope to bake at least a couple of batches but the clock is ticking.
    Your collages are very festive and fun too.
    Fa la laa

  2. Both pieces are gorgeous and the cookies look yummy!!

    Merry Christmas and a very Happy Healthy New Year to you and all your loved ones.


  3. Your cookies look sooooooooooooo good, yummy! Glad you are having fun with your preparations.Both of the journal pages are very festive, love the colours, and thanks so much for joining us again at AJJ, your loyal support means so much to me. Have a wonderful day, and have fun with your preparations for Christmas, hugs, Valerie

  4. Your collages are super Erika and those cookies look too delicious - wow!
    My daughter didn't help me this year with cookies ( I am glad about ) and I had to bake another load of Vanille Kipferl for my hubby last Friday. Now I definitely will do no more cookies for this year! I swear!
    Hope you enjoy the lonesome baking on Wednesday and thank you so very much for all your support for Art Journal Journey! You are awesome!
    Hope I will read from you before Christmas - if not -
    I wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS dear Erika!

  5. It doesn't matter how these cookies look like. As long as they are tasty! Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to you and love ones!

  6. Great ugly cookies, who cares, your tummy doesn't have eyes. Nice you two bonded over a bit of baking. xox

  7. Hi Erika! Love both fantastic collages!
    Yummy cookies!

    Wishing you Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!!!
    Hugs, Mar xx


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