Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Little More Winter

Today we are having heavy rains, and it is relatively warm, for January that is. At least it is better than if it was cold and this was snow. Although Mother Nature did sneak a little in Friday night that the the weather person never told us about.
So today I have another journal page for Art Journal Journey. This month's theme is Winter Wonderland and our hostess is Chrissie.
The background on this page is a piece of 12x12 designed paper that I trimmed down. I painted the mountain in black and silver paint.  Along the bottom I added some white and silver, along with some die cut trees in black paper because I wanted this to look like night. Then I added a quick spray of white to be the falling snow. Finally I added a hand cut heart and a stamped phrase.
Some of you may not want to see my snowy artsy photos, but yesterday morning it was pretty outside from the light snow fall we were surprised with Friday night.
I trekked out around the yard and snapped some in my gardens.

And its not a great shot, but can  you see what was out at my bird feeder last night? This cute little opossum was having a little dinner.
That's all for me! Thanks for visiting. And also-
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!


  1. Wonderful journal page, and the weather is really fitting - love those photos. How wonderful to see an opossum at the feeder, we don't have them here. Thanks for joining us again at Art Journal Journey, always much appreciated. Stay warm Sweetie, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a fun and interesting take on Winter Wonderland. I guess that describes me today, since my hands still have not warmed since last Wednesday.

    Oh Erika, I simply ADORE the cats in your yard art. They are so, so clever. Truly lovely, dear.

    The opossum had me laughing, because I had a family of opossums living under my front porch for awhile. My dear next door neighbor saw them and made sure they were all out by stomping on my porch, then welded the grate back on that his kids had kicked out from playing soccer.

    And thank you for giving me permission to add you to my sidebar. It's there now!

  3. Love the journal page and the photos are great. Makes me smile, looking at them. We used to have possum visitors all the time when we lived in the county. They're sweet little things. I had set a live trap to catch a feral cat to take it in and get it neutered.Instead I caught a possum. The whole possum family showed up to commiserate. We just left the door open and it was gone in the morning.

  4. Gorgeous artwork, my friend!Send me some snow, please.We're evaporating here!

  5. Very beautiful journal page and terrific photographs. So pleased that you joined us again at Art Journal Journey thank you

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. The winter page is fantastic and those photos are fantastic as well. Lovely visiter ♥♥♥ cute!
    Hope your weekend went well Erika! I had a nice weekend-- passed to quick --as always!
    Thank you for another brilliant idea for Art Journal Journey!
    Have a good week ahead!


  7. Blessings....
    we are having a little more winter as well. it has been snowing all day. Boots tomorrow!

    Have a blessed day

  8. I just loved your wonderful wintry photos!! Your yard looks amazing. Wow! A cute opossum in your yard is so cool. And I can't tell you how much I love your beautiful work of art! Your mountains and trees are wonderful! And thanks for visiting my blog!!

  9. Nice sentiment .. lovely page. Somehow I missed your post. Love your garden .. lots of snow and the birds, awaiting spring. hugs, Donna


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