Friday, January 22, 2016

Painting Again

Today I have some paintings I started last winter and have finally got back to painting. None of them are finished, but some are more finished than others.
This first one got the walls repainted, and I did finish the plant and the side table. I am really happy with that part (even if that mug looks like it is going to topple off the table). Now I just need to focus on the window. Not sure if I want to add a birdcage, curtains, or make the outside more of a fantasy view. Still thinking about those ideas and waiting to see if anything else pops into my head.
This second one needs the most work of them all. The rug on the floor is some molding past that needs to be addressed. The table needs a bit of work, as does the window and the flowers. Seeing they have no stems or still not certain what this work is telling me to do with it.
And finally the chair. My first order of business is putting this big cat on the chair. He is there right now, blobs of molding paste in a cat shape. I'm not certain I like the wall color either, but I am happy with the rest of the chair, the floor and the chair rail paneling (even if I usually like cleaner lines than I have here).
I paint totally by trial and error. I am envious of those of you who make gorgeous pieces and post them here.  They inspire me to try my hand painting.  Posting my paintings, even in this unfinished form, helps me see them from another point of view. As photos on the computer, they look different to me than they do in person. I can give them a stepped back critical eye. I will say I've learned even a few tricks about painting by posting them. 
And I know I have a million more things to learn in this process, but that's what is really fun about it. Playing with shapes and color...OK, I want to get back in the studio and paint right now.
And since it is Friday (hurray-hurrah!)
I am linking this post to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Kristen and Eva for being gracious hostesses every week.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. Erika, I love these paintings, and their happy and spring like colours, jut gorgeous. Have fun finishing them, they are wonderful. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh Erika, these are great. The colours just shout out at me. Love the very pink wall and the patterned vases, and of course the fluffy cat. Looking forward to seeing what you do next. What a fantastic trio.
    I agree with you that seeing one's paintings on the screen can change the perception of them, it's often very useful (one way or the other!).

  3. The 1st painting is my favourite. Have a beautiful weekend!

  4. I LOVE the feeling of joy and freedom that all your painting exude. The colors and free forms are refreshing. Blessings!

  5. Wonderful paintings Erika ! Great! Have fun finishing them. I also want to start a larger canvas .. but I am always a bit shy to do it.
    Happy weekend my friend- we have wonderful winter wonderland weather with amazing glittering snow in the sun.. very inspiring !
    Happy PPF!!!

  6. Lovely pieces Erika. I plan my pieces out and sketch them inpencil before I add any colour!

  7. Your paintings are very special and I think your style is really unique. Stay true to that and I'm sure your end results will be wonderful.

  8. Oh I remember these Erika! I love that you are allowing them to just be until the right changes come to you. I do hope you'll share them when they are completed:)

  9. Your paintings are all so colorful and fun Erika.
    I am really drawn to the chair and cat and words!
    Wonderful work!
    We are bracing for the BIG ONE...snowflakes should begin falling about midday ending on Sunday.
    Looking forward to a winter wonderland if we don't blow away.

  10. Interesting paintings. I like the bright colours and look forward seeing how you finish them.
    Have a wonderful weekend ♥

  11. The hot colors are super for today's cold weather. It was fun to see what you've been working on. I hope to see the cat when he/she is finished.

  12. These feel so van Gogh! (Oh a mini art poem!) I love the colors and the feel of these--especially seeing trees with leaves and green grass out the window. Sigh. We are getting ready to get slammed with a blizzard. Lots of drawing time this weekend! xo

  13. Your use of colors makes me glad! I love strong colors, love when using them boldly and personally, like you have done!

  14. Love your colorful world! xox

  15. Such joyful colour here! All so happy and full of fun! Can't wait to see the chair in completion with the cat! Love how it's shaping up!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. Believe it or not, I really LOVE both these, possibly because I can't draw. The cat shows great promise and the perspective and color changes on the walls and wainscoting of the second painting are brilliant! Hope you are NOT snowed in.

  17. Wonderful paintings Erika, the vibrant rich colours give a lovely warm feeling. They remind me of my grandma. Enjoy the journey of playing with colours and shapes Erika. You express so many happy feelings with the colours.

    Warm hugs

  18. I'm with you, still painting by trial and error. It does seem like if you put in the time, you can really learn as you go along. These are looking nice! The red chair in particular looks really great!

  19. I love how you share your wip and in the end you work your magic and create fun, vibrant pieces that come to life! Great work and blog!


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