Sunday, January 3, 2016


Happy January third everyone. The sun is out here now but they say we are going to get COLD and WINDY here. Very cold. Like out temperatures could fall into the single digits tomorrow night. And feel colder with the wind blowing down from Canada. 
I know some of you have had this weather already. so I don't mean to complain, but man, talk about NOT looking forward to that. I am consoling myself by saying that there is only 3 real months of winter ahead, and you never know about March, compared to last year when we had 5 solid months of winter.
I don't think I have really recuperated from last winter yet.
But on a happy note, yesterday I took my first little "journey" of the year, since I am hoping and thinking maybe this will be my year of travel. My daughter and I took a trek down south of Boston to IKEA- as I want to find some drapes for my sliding door and not spend a fortune on them. I was successful at least buying the drapes and the hardware for them (they haven't been hung yet) plus several other new little  house things. Exciting to spruce up even a few tiny things.
So today I have a simple collage. I was inspired with the artsy postcard on the left. I added the tape pieces, some white stamped images, stars and then the sheer cloth flowers, which I glitzed up a bit. 
So hope everyone is having a great weekend.
And as always-thanks for stopping by.


  1. Happy Sunday, and best wishes in the new week!

  2. Glad you had a little journey to IKEA and got some things you want, they have good prices there. Your collage is beautiful, and I love your header, too. Have a great day, take care if it gets cold and icy, hugs, Valerie

  3. What a festive piece. I really like this, a celebration of winter in an of itself. Cold, well, we had to expect it right? xox

  4. Great piece Erica -- love the focal point of the postcard which leads you to the glitz of the flowers and hope of spring. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Stay warm. hugs, Donna

  5. What a fun piece you have created with that postcard as the focal image. It looks like you went to school on this one.

    OK, I'm really, really jealous. There isn't an IKEA withing a 1000 miles of my home. HONEST. I've seen some of their art storage solutions on my friends' blogs and think IF ONLY!!! Glad you are fulfilling your year of the trip(s).

  6. Ikea is always fun to visit - glad you found useful things there!
    What a super collage - I like the composition - lovely!
    Wishing a good week ahead for you Erika!

  7. Oh Ikea is always fun and possibly dangerous too ;-)
    We have to travel aways for ours so I tend to make it worth the trip LOL.
    Great collage...the photo of the girl is touching.
    Your wintry header is super too.
    Stay warm cause it sounds really cold where you are.


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