Friday, January 15, 2016

Stay Warm

Friday-I'm doing my happy dance! This week has been SOOOOOOO busy at work that I am ready to wrap up today and start my weekend. The best news is that its a long weekend with Monday being Martin Luther King Day, and although I don't have any major plans, I am just excited to be able to have an extra day to do whatever I need/want to do. Only around 8 more hours of work until it begins!
And since it is Friday, it is time for a party, Paint Party Friday! Thanks Eva and Kristen for hosting.
And I'm also linking my piece to Art Journal Journey. Thanks Chrissie for hosting and picking this month's theme of Winter Wonderland.
Here's a Gelli print  with a hand cut heart and these great snuggling polar bears. Has anyone been stamping a long time and remember when these adorable bears by Magenta seemed to be everywhere? I dug  mine in out of the bottom of a bin. I'd forgotten about them, but then I was trying to think of things for a winter wonderland theme and I remembered I had them.
It was fun to "find" them again. I think those of you who stop by AJJ might be seeing more from this set.

The white paint on top of the colors in this Gelli print reminds me of frost and that crackly ice on puddles that if you stand on it it breaks with a lot of noise.
Thanks to all of you who stop by!
hope you have a good weekend everyone!


  1. what a cute collage, really nice

    Warm Wishes

    much love...

  2. Lovely - I just wish someone would keep me warm on cold winter's nights! Thanks for linking to Art Journal Journey and for your continued support, hugs, Valerie

  3. Fun page. Icebears are cut.
    Hsppy PPF and enjoy weekend ♥

  4. Such an interesting piece .. so many different textures. The background is gorgeous - love the heart (I'm crazy about them) ... and your little bears are adorable. Enjoyed your post. hugs, Donna

  5. That's GORGEOUS Erika! Enjoy your long weekend!
    I have nothing special on my plan - just a nice weekend with family and dogs ... and --- creativity ---I hope!
    Thanks a lot for this charming page to Art Journal Journey!
    Happy PPF!

  6. Another wonderful page Erika and thank you for your support at Art Journal Journey

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. The snuggling polar bears are cute.

  8. Such a sweet sentiment! I love the patterns created by the white paint, definitely a winter scene. Happy PPF

  9. So cuddly cute!!!
    Love the gelli print...beautiful work Erika. :)

  10. what a sweet page -and I LOVE that background Erika! Enjoy your long weekend ahead!

  11. Your snowy background sure feels cold. Cute bears. Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your extra day. xox

  12. Awww, how sweet this is! The bears are so cute and the patterns around them are fascinating.

  13. Great composition, and I love the words! (and the bears :-) )

  14. Awe this is pretty sweet with the huggy bears!! Wonderful words and art!! Some fun details!!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. You sure do have some fabulous gelli prints and use them so nicely too Erika!
    Those bears are precious.
    Stay warm and happy weekend.

  16. I'm with you on this long weekend after a hellacious work week. I felt exactly as you...... I can do a happy dance and have more time for me........... and ART. Great page love the heart that looks sewn on.

  17. So cute--I especially love the bears. The feeling of your art is so rick :) xo

  18. I love your crackly ice and those cute polar bears! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. What a cute pair! A perfect page for a cold winter day!


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