Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hot Coco Anyone?

This past Saturday morning the hubby and I went out to breakfast. The little local restaurant we went to makes the most delicious homemade hot coco, with a scoop of rich whipped cream. Thought I would share with you a photo of my cup of coco, since it is Tuesday, which means it is:

You can check out and participate in this fun challenge by popping on over to  .Elizabeth'sblog.
After breakfast we drove to Boston for the boat show, and there I had a little light lunch snack.
New England style clam chowder and cold beer. It was particularly good beer, a Sam Adam brick red. The chowder was good for mass produced chowder but not as good as homemade chowder.
So today we have cold precipitation turning over to rain. I have a 2 hour delay- which meant I could go back to sleep for a little bit!
Good bye frigid polar vortex cold and hello back to temperatures right around freezing.
And what's better with a nice warm cup of coco, tea or coffee than a good read. I am really enjoying my latest book.
I like it because it is history and travel woven together. Anything with Julia Child in it is interesting to me. She had a fascinating life as an American celebrity and an interesting life before that. If you don't know anything about her, she was a spy during World War II, moved to Paris with her husband after war and not only learned French but went to cooking school, wrote 2 cookbooks along with 2 other French women (Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle) , went on to become a TV celebrity with her own Public Television cooking show, and then went on to write other cookbooks. 
I didn't know anything about MK Fisher except she wrote many books related to food and James Beard I knew wrote cookbooks but I knew nothing about him. I love how this book has tied them all together in a place and time that we can't go back to other than through a book or film.  
I've also been reading a new art technique book  too.
Which I also recommend. It is really directed towards still life styles. But since I've been into playing around with that type of painting lately, its been a really good choice.
So no new art for me today. I am off in the wet weather going to work. Counting down until Friday when my vacation begins after school lets out.
Big Smile for me.
Hope your day is one that makes you smile too.


  1. I had to laugh that you got to sleep a bit longer, which seems to make up for the early morning yesterday. I slept in my computer chair for several hours (NOT by choice, I might add) because I was simply exhausted.

    That cocoa looks wonderful and the whipping cream makes it almost sinful. The chowder looks good, even though I'm not fond of some chowders I've had. Guess it depends on the recipe.

    As for the beer, you can have your red. I'll take a Sam Adams stout!

    I have a cookbook written by James Beard. When I was still in high school, I started collecting old cookbooks. I never use them, and barely read the recipes, but I kept thinking that someday I would be a better cook if I owned a bunch of cookbooks. I even have a cook book that dates back to the 1800s, but can barely stand to read it, because some of the ingredients sound so gruesome, like possum pie.

    Thanks for sharing your cocoa, your chowder and beer, your cookbook, and art book with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, our temps are going to hit 80s F this week, so we are definitely out of the polar vortex! Hope you get there, too.

  2. Oh all that yummy stuff! I am on a diet to lose weight and I am literally salivating! lol.
    The chowder does not look like what I make. Yours has 'things' bobbing in it. What are they? I'm sure it was lovely.
    Your book about Provence 1070 looks interesting. I had not heard of Julia Child. What an amazing lady she must have been (or still is...)
    As you might have noticed,I haven't linked up yet for the simple reason I have not written anything yet. I will soon. We are in a bit of a situation here, which is will be resolved but you will read about it in my blog later on.
    Happy T day

  3. Oh my God -you're not going to believe this Erika- but I am reading that same Provence book right now, AND my hubby just ordered the Bold Expressive Painting book for me yesterday!! I wasn't familiar with MK Fisher either. I love this combo of history, food and France, and Julia was a fascinating woman. I read another book of her life- an autobiography I think - which was wonderful-I'll look up the title if you wish. I haven't had a good cup of homemade cocoa in a long time so it has me thinking I should make some :) Enjoy your extra hours, and a happy T day!

  4. A good cup of chowder sure warms a body up on a cold day. I'm not a big chowder connoisseur, so I'm sure I would have enjoyed this, perhaps with a glass of wine. The books sound interesting.

  5. i haven´t heard of this book but it sounds interesting. and i learned new words... clam chowder;)
    a Cup of coco would be great now, it is chilly and dreary here...
    thanks for visiting and have a great t-day!

  6. Your food all looks really tempting today, what a selection of goodies on show, something for every taste. Have a great day, enjoy your books and just enjoy it all. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. YUMMMMMMM! Now that's a great looking cup of cocoa!!! Both books sound good. I love Julia Child ! I've tried making some of the dishes out of her BIG cook book and they were good but didn't make the pretty presentation she always did. I loved the movie about her too. I just might have to look up that book. I'm waiting on weather to head off to work today too.

  8. I'm not a big fan of hot cocoa but that one looks and sounds delish...not a scoop from a tin kind of cocoa.
    That painting book looks very interesting. I may have to see if your local library has a copy. I have a stack of mixed media books sitting at home right now as I've been seeking inspiration on that front.
    Happy T day!

  9. Your book looks and sounds very interesting. I knew she had done quite a lot in her life.

    I am a clam chowder lover.....if it is good chowder that is....*grin*

    Thanks for sharing you good reads and good food.

    Happy T-day

  10. I've read a couple of books by Fisher, including a wonderful book called "Sister Age" which I still remember years after having read it. The Luke Barr sounds like something I'd enjoy (history and travel). Thanks for the suggestion :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

  11. Homemade cocoa.. yummie and I would love to taste that soup...and! the beer!
    I would be interested in "The Bold Expressive Painting book " as well...
    Happy T-Day Erika!

  12. OMGosh .... cocoa with whipped cream my favorite!!! Now i must have some.... lol I love Julia Child and i agree her life was so interesting... i did not know she was a spy on top of everything else... Stay warm... here in Arkansas we are having a week of Spring-like weather...then who knows what comes next... :) Happy T (cocoa) Day!! Hugs! deb

  13. Hope you are enjoying your vacation whatever you are doing, maybe alot of nothing which we sometimes need. Read, relax, enjoy. xox

  14. The Julia child book sounds interesting... I'm always looking for a good read! Chowder sounds good, and an extra nap is always a plus! Happy T Day!

  15. Hot chocolate is always good!
    The book on Julia child would be interesting. She was quite an interesting woman.
    Happy T-Day! :)

  16. Hubby and I have been saying that we should go out for breakfast one day! I must say the chowder looks good, although I make mine with smoked haddock. I have never heard of Julia Child but the art book looks brilliant! Sorry to arrive so late, my trip out made me tired! Hugs, Chrisx

  17. I do so love a great mug of hot chocolate--complete with fresh whipped cream! Oh, yum!! Belated Happy T Day, Erika!


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