Sunday, February 28, 2016

I'm Home from a Few Days on the Mesa

I got home last night after a day of traveling. Caught  a plane in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the morning and flew to Baltimore, Maryland.  That felt like a short flight  since I slept half of it. Then from Baltimore we caught a flight back to New Hampshire. My husband met us at the airport with the dogs. They were ALL so excited to have us back home.
So I just unloaded all my photos  off my phone and my camera this evening, but thought I would share a few with you.
My friends who live in Taos, New Mexico live up on the mesa. It is flat and pretty treeless, but that means you can see for miles in all directions.
 Sunset off the back of the house.

 The Sangre de Cristo mountains off the front of the house. They get this red/purple color at sunset.

 Their dog walking herself home after our morning stroll one morning.
 The treeless mesa.
Now that I am home  I am readjusting to life in a hilly, heavily treed environment. Totally different from the mesa.
Funny how at first the mesa seems so bare but after a day I like the wide open space.  We had one cold and very windy day when we didn't want to be outside but the other days the sky was blue and cloudless. We took a leisurely hike one day and went and soaked in the pools at Ojo Caliente, a spa, another day. 
It was fantastic to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.
And in the morning its back to work. I am not upset, but it would be nice to have another day off. I still have suitcase to unpack and a 2 hours time change to adjust to.
Actually, it would be really  nice if I was still on vacation another few days. 
But who's complaining? I will say the vacation has refreshed me and I m really ready to think spring.
Plus I am glad to be back to the blogging life. It will be good to catch up with all you. I never unpacked my computer once I got to my friend's home, but I did stop by a few blogs on my phone when I had a few minutes of quiet time.
Have a great start to your week.


  1. Fantastic photos, glad you had such a fantastic vacation, the photos are super. Hugs Valerie

  2. Wonderful place with a very special character! I can imagine that it was a pleasure to be there and also the meeting with friends makes happy!
    Hope work today is not to hard now after this wonderful days!
    I am glad to know you back healthy !
    Thank you that you visited me during your vacation!
    I appreciated this very much!

    grey, cold and wet weather cinditions here on my area..
    please send at least your spring feelings into my direction !

  3. Gosh Erika, it's good to see you made it home and everyone was happy to see you (hubby and dogs are EVERYONE in my book).

    Loved the mesa photos. They brought back so many memories of when I used to visit there. Your friend's house is lovely, and the dog seems very well trained. I was surprised there was so much vegetation around and up next to the house. They must not get many lightening fires there. I'm sure you'll have many tales to tell and show over the next few days, but for now, welcome home.

    You asked about my picks for the shorts. All the documentary shorts were depressing in my opinion, because they dealt with violence or pain in some way that was brought on by the religion or culture or circumstances of the region. My favorite was A Girl in the River, which also won. My second favorite was about the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and was called Body Team 12.

    For the live action shorts, the winner was Stutterer, but my pick was Day One about the first day in the life of an American/Afgan interpreter who joins a US military team searching for a bomb maker. When they find him, his wife is in labor and the birth results in her death because of birthing complications that arise. Although there is a medical doctor with the team, he is not permitted to enter the residence because he is a man and can't be seen delivering the baby. So he tries to explain how to turn the baby over (it's a footling breech) while the interpreter, the only female in the group, and only person allowed in the bedroom of the woman, tries to turn the baby and deliver it. After the birth, the baby is alive, but the mother dies and the bomber surrenders to the military team. It was the last movie they showed, and I thought it was the best of the day, but they were all very poignant, sad, and touching in some way.

    As for the animated shorts, I didn't see who won, but I didn't care for any of them. If I had to pick, it would have been We Can't Live Without Cosmos, but I didn't quite "get" any of them.

  4. Hello Erika, glad you had a great holiday. Thanks for the photos. It's pretty cold here so I'll just take another look at your sunny photo with the house and the colourful pottery planter.

  5. Great to see your beautiful photos Erika and I can tell by your writing that it did relax you to be away.
    There is something about the Land of Enchantment that is very unique and oh so beautiful and vast.
    You captured it nicely here.
    Soaking in the Ojo Caliente spa...ooh we didn't get to do that.
    Me thinks a return visit is in order ;-)
    Hope going back to work was painless.
    Nice to have you back.


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