Friday, February 5, 2016

It is Friday

Which means it is Paint Party Friday! Many thanks to Kristen and Eva for hosting this weekly collection.

I've added some more items to one of the pieces I showed you a few weeks ago. I went pretty realistic except for a couple of little surprises in the window.
Every piece of art needs something a little surprising, or so they say.  Here's my 2 kitty angels. I have been missing them lately. I need to add faces to them. I think I should maybe make them appear more transparent and maybe  little less solid. I guess I picture angels being a little more ephemeral than these 2 are right now.
And although not finished, I made more headway with the other window, potted flowers piece too. (Ignore the rug around the border of my painting as I photographed this in the best light which was to lay it down on the floor.)
 I've also dabbled  in a little baking this week.
My husband, the anti-muffin man, decided that he LOVED cinnamon chip muffins. So I made a batch for us with  streusel topping. 
And I've been reading a bit. too

And my mom has pneumonia so yesterday I took the day off from work, drove the 2 hours down to her house, and took  her to the doctors. He wanted her checked into the hospital as she is 86 and had been on lower antibiotic doses for a few days already to no avail. Getting her checked into the hospital took the usual hours.
 (I must say, emergency rooms in the city are something I had never experienced before- living here in wooded rural New Hampshire. I couldn't get over the number of people-with beds filling the hallways too. In our local small hospitals a rush would be 5 maybe 10 people.  Once I needed an emergency room in San Francisco, as I passed out during dinner at a restaurant and even though I came to the manager had called for an ambulance.  The EMT's brought me to a small private hospital instead of  the big one near the restaurant. It was an interesting ride up and down the famous hills of that city  in the back of an ambulance-my first and only ride in one to date. Come to find out I was dehydrated so I was soon sent on my way back to being a tourist and visiting  some friends of my husband's family. But the best part of this story is that the friends, who have done very well in California, took us out for a scenic city tour at midnight in their Jaguar which was fun (because riding in a Jaguar isn't very common for me) but also delighted my daughter who was 17 at the time.
OK, after that long winded detour back to my original mom story.
Then once Mom was settled into the hospital I drove 2 hours home. It was a long day, but even with Mom being sick, she was in a pretty fun mood. Her short term memory loss has made her into such a comedian. More than worrying, I am still smiling over all the great laughs we had yesterday.
Sounds like they expect that a few days of heavy duty antibiotics and prednisone will put her back up on her feet.
I hope.
And now, this morning, we have snow!
Enough they have canceled school! Kind of a nice surprise (since we were suppose to be missing this storm until the forecast changed last evening) and really appreciated after my long day yesterday.
Yesterday it felt like April and which was sooooo nice I nearly forgot it was February.
Happy Weekend everyone! 


  1. Glad you had a fun time with your Mom, and hope the pneumonia will soon be gone. It is awful to wait around so long in hospitals. I love your paintings and the thought of your kitty angels. Enjoy having a snow day and no school today - TGIF! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. Wonderful art Erika.. gosh - I hope your mother will recover soon - finger crossed! You had a very busy day ---
    I hope for you that you can relax a bit this weekend!
    All the best!The muffins look so delicious... no no no ... I will not eat more no no!

  3. Love the window view painting! Beautiful bright colors. I hope your mom is well soon. it's harder to shake illness and injury as we get older.

  4. Fab post, love your artwork and very yummy looking muffins (I'm lucky my husband does all the cooking and cake making :) )
    I think your header is fairly new (sorry for not noticing before) its fabulous I love it!
    Hope you have a good weekend and wishing your mum a speedy recovery -
    take care... Gill xx

  5. Nice idea to give your dear kitties angel image. I'm waiting for seeing more...
    Love the flowers and bright beautiful colours of the room.
    I freel sorry of your mothers broblems. High age brings them which is sad.
    Wish you restful weekend anyway.
    Hugs ♥

  6. Get well wishes to your mother. Pneumonia is nothing to fool around with. Your bouquet in the corner is just stunning. I love the composition and the color. Happy PPF

  7. Hope your Mom will be feeling MUCH better very soon. It always helps to have a bit of humor involved. Congrats on being featured at PPF this week! Loving your paintings with their additions and I think the angel kitties are sweet. Enjoy your snow day. We got very lucky and it never got to us as it did along the south and coast not far from us!

  8. I really like your painting of the table and floral. It reminds me of a Matisse!
    Have a great week and I hope all goes well with your Mom.

  9. Wishing your mom a quick recovery! Nice that you could have so many laughs. Hope the snow doesn't impede getting back to her! The muffins look so yummy! Enjoy the snow!! Sounds like quite an adventure in the jag!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. What an interesting two days you have had, Erika. I would LOVE one of those muffins, since I have not yet eaten today. They look wonderful.

    Your painting is coming along nicely, and the angel kitties are adorable.

    I certainly hope your mother is better soon, and hope she has medication to slow her memory loss. Just enjoying her this way must be a joy for you, though. I laughed at your tale of the ambulance, and thought that must have taken you as long to write it, as it took to land in that private hospital! What a fun aside.

    Did you catch the Democratic debate last night? I watched a few minutes, but simply couldn't keep watching. What bothers me is there are no Libertarian debates, although I've seen many Libertarians align themselves to the Republican and Tea Parties, which I feel are WRONG. But that's just me and my political views.

    You asked if I was rusting these pieces for a reason. Yes, I'm making them for a something specific, but I'm keeping that under wraps at the moment.

  11. Best thoughts and hugs to you and your mama. I'll send you some reiki if you like. But your images and bright and lovely--and van Goghy. And oh the angel kitties--to adorable. Hope all is well. xo

  12. Warm thoughts to you and your Mom.

    Oh, I just love the bright colors in your paintings! The compositions are also very dynamic, great work!!

  13. I so love your paintings, really speaks to me. I hope your mum will recover soon. Fingers crossed.

  14. You're so creative!

    Best wishes for your mom!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  15. Hello Erika, I am always amazed at how much you manage to cram into your days. Best wishes for your mother's health, hope she recovers soon. How good for you that she is a cheerful lady.
    I love these paintings you are making, my favourite is the one with the pink wallpaper, what a vibrant room.
    Cinammon chip muffins! - mega yum, I'm going to look for a recipe.

  16. Hope you Mom is feeling much much better now.
    What an experience for all of you.
    That is quite a SF memory too.
    Having fainted a couple of times in my life...well it's not something you ever forget is it.
    Your colorful artwork is wonderful and extra special with your angel kitties.
    Congrats on having your great collage chosen for PPF too!
    Take care and have a good weekend.

  17. I've never had cinnamon chip muffins, but those do look good. I've read a couple of Bryson's books and enjoyed them. He has a light touch, and I like his style. I hope all your family health problems are sorted out soon. Praise be for antibiotics! They got my mother through several bouts with pneumonia. :)

  18. I've had two hospital appointments this week, so I can relate to your visit.
    I hope your Mum recovers soon... but it's great that you were able to have a little giggle at the same time.
    Kitten angels... now that's cute. I also loved your comment about having surprises in your artwork. I'll try to remember that.
    I've just been into your last post and wished you a happy PPF before I realised I was in the wrong post. Still it was lovely to more of your work.
    Have a wonderful weekend and yet again have a happy PPF! (hehe)

  19. Marvelous window scene you have created. Those muffins look yummy!

  20. OMG now I want a cinnamon muffin!
    I hope by now your mom is all better!

  21. Great post. I love the bold colors you used. The window pieces are really wonderful. My hubby is with yours NO Muffins. LOL

  22. My favourite this week is that vase of flowers on the side table

    Thanks for dropping in to view mine

    Much love...

  23. Hope your mom is feeling better. Such a lovely vibrant painting.
    Thanks so much for stopping by.

  24. I hope your mom is all better by now! I LOVE your painting style and the colors you use. Beautiful paintings. And those muffins look yummy!!

    xoxo Silke

  25. Beautiful painting.

    Wishing your mom a speedy recovery and return back to the comforts of home.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the lovely comment.


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