Monday, March 28, 2016

Making Art Ain't Pretty-Although Sometimes the Results Are

Took this photo back on the 19th when I took an art class. It is fun to sit in a class  every now and again. I love to see what other people come up with and talk to other arty souls. It always invigorates my creativity.
In this class we did a lot of  free painting of backgrounds. I made a page stamped with lots of painted pipe insulation ends -you know those foam pieces they put around pipes. The end is round and hollow so when you paint it you get this donut shaped image. You can see some blue ones right at the bottom of this journal page.
So then I found this piece of brown waxed dryer sheet that was in the class paper bin. (Thanks Corrine for showing me that insulation trick way back last summer and introducing me to those dryer sheets.)
I tore the dryer sheets up into scraps and put them down around some of my painted circles like flower petals, mostly because all the circles on the page looked like a garden of tall flowers to me.
At first I was going to leave them brown, but nope, too much brown in my world right now, so I painted them, along with the centers, and the stems too. Then I cut out some hearts and turned them into butterflies. the words also came from my class bag of collage elements.
This page might be a bit full, and hopefully the flowers pop enough so you can see them. The petals do pop up off the page, as do the butterfly wings, but it is rather hard to discern that from the photo.
I am linking up to Moo Mania. The theme is spring right now.

So hope everyone had a great weekend. New week now, and just about April.  Boy March has flown.
I need to see if my car is going to pass inspection today, so keep your fingers crossed it won't cost me some big repair. I worry I might need brakes or to think positive here.
I need to get it all squared away before the month is over-guess I've got to get rolling on it.
Enough for me-I do need to go to work today.
As usual, thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. Love your cheery page, so much to see, AND THANKS FOR JOINING US AT Moo Mania and More. Hope all goes well with your car, have a good day, hugs, Valerie

  2. I love your garden!!! I am longing for color and want no longer brown and grey as well!
    Our weather got a bit better... especially yesterday was very sunny and warm and today it is nice as well.
    We will see - they forecasted this warmer days will stay longer now!
    Finger crossed that the inspection will be not to expensive.. we had one a few weeks ago--- it always costs... yes.... they always find something - our kids have free of school here until Wednesday...

    My Easter was quite nice - had friend here today - I baked a Sacher Torte ..yummie!!

    Thank you for linking this lovely garden to Moo Mania & More Erika!

  3. I know that foam you are talking about because I use it myself. I've seen pool noodles used, too, but they are bigger. However, I want to know what kind of dryer sheets those are and where I can find some. Great recycling effort.

    LOVE the springtime garden. Wish mine was that colorful.


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