Wednesday, March 16, 2016

More Travel Journal Pages

 I finished my travel journal last week.  This is post 2 of showing you my finished journal. Part 1 can be found here. Some Travel Journal Views.
 I bought this little burro stamp at this rubber stamp store I went into in Santa Fe called Guadalupe's Rubber Stamps, which is also home of the Stampa Fe line of rubber stamps. I guess I needed a stamp/craft store visit. When I left I felt so good.  Scary how supply shopping can become such an addiction that when you don't have stores left around you and you can't shop,  how good it feels to go back into one.
I also really like the fact that I could buy some  things you can't easily find on line.
I was a little naughty and bought myself a few stamps, but I don't feel even a little bit guilty about it.
Burros were the animal of my trip. This stamped burro is one cute little guy.

 I made this tea page when I came home from the trip, and I picked up the jewelry postcard on the trip. I love this jewelry store in Arroyo Seco.  Wish I could go in and buy a whole bunch of her pieces. After the rubber stamps I had to limit myself to a little trinket piece, but I am really OK with that. Sometimes the little trinket pieces get a lot more wear than a more expensive piece that doesn't go with everything. Plus its a good memory piece (like those stamps)!
 This post card is the Rio Grande Gorge bridge. It is really high (565 feet) above the river and is the 7th highest bridge in the US.

 We went out for a little walk along the trail that leads out along the top of the Gorge and I took these photos looking back to the bridge.  Not as dramatic as the post card I put in my album, but it was such a beautiful day and when we walked out it was really quiet with no wind.  Back by the bridge there was someone or some people pounding on a Native drum and chanting. It was really really a magical moment.
Even better that we didn't meet a soul on our walk so we could soak up the sun and the view and the chanting without anyone else ruining the moment.

 We also visited these Earthships as they were not very far from the bridge. Earthships are built from recycled materials and are  off the grid but livable homes.. Although they look kind of like buildings in Star Wars, inside the model home was actually really nice. I especially liked the green house they had.
This one was still under construction.
I have one more travel journal post for you another day.
So the hubby ended up back in the emergency room Monday night with another round of erratic heart beats that started while he was at dialysis. Luckily his heart reset itself, but we didn't get home until 2 AM. Yawn. I took yesterday off, and he was able to consult with a cardiologist who thought it was  happening  because of the stress on his system due to dialysis and thinks once my hubby gets the kidney transplant, it should go away. That's the good news for us, even though it doesn't really fix the problem ASAP. So the hubby is going to try some meds right now to hopefully control it and we shall see.
So one thing we did yesterday after sleeping in late (it rained all day so it was a good day to sleep in and be lazy) was watch Spotlight. If you haven't heard of it (and I didn't until it was nominated and won the Oscar for best picture)it is a movie all about the Catholic Church priest scandal  and how the Boston Globe newspaper broke the story here in the US. Wow- it is a good story, a well made movie and did they really catch Boston. The characters sound like Boston and look like Boston. And I'm sure this is true for people where ever they live, but nothing worst than hearing characters trying to do that Boston accent and doing it so poorly it isn't a Boston accent at all. We watched In The Heart of the Sea the other day, and though not a bad movie, but Chris Hemsworth did such a lousy accent that he shouldn't have even tried.
Anyhow, enough about that, but I do recommend this movie - its a great investigative  story.
Make today a good day everyone.


  1. Your travel pages continue to inspire I just need to book a trip HA!!

  2. Your travel journal is wonderful, you visited so many great places, thanks for sharing. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Those pages are all so well done ... what a super trip must this have been!
    I am worried about your hubby Erika! Hope the new medication works good and he feels better soon ..
    I am thinking of you!

  4. Interesting part 2 of your travel journal! Best wishes to your hubby going forward. I am intending to watch Spotlight sooner rather than later. Thanks for the review.

  5. Never did find Guadalupe's rubber stamps yet, even though I know where Don Gaspar is. The gorge, scared the crap out of me, not to go near that edge. Hubby did though. Earthship love. They are so fantastic....

    Hope hubby can get through this transplant soon and get on with all your lives after. xox

  6. That looks like it has been a really super trip! I love the burro. We have lots of donkeys around here and at night we hear them braying sometimes. What an awful sound!
    The bridge is awesome. I´m sorry to hear your hybby has heartbeat problems. I hope it sorts itself out soon.
    Happy WOYWW,
    Thanks for visiting,
    Have a good week,

  7. Hi Erik, fabulous travel journal and a wonderful way of keeping the memories. Had a look at part one. Sounds like you had a fabulous trip.
    Avril xx

  8. I'm always impressed with your travel journal pages, but these are especially fun. I was taken by the bridge photos and the Earth Ships. Never heard of them, but they remind me of the Biosphere, the research facility in Oracle, Arizona.

    Yes, I had heard of Spotlight and was delighted to read your take on it. I may not see it in the theater, but I know it changed the way we Americans looked at the Catholic church.


Thanks for visiting. Your comments are always appreciated!